
I’m a little confused and lost. 

Had a long long long talk with the man last night about all that life is dishing right now.  Good talk.  But I feel like he didn’t give me the answer or advice I wanted to hear in regards to the job thing.  We do the same thing – he and I.  Oh, I want to make lots of money, good, got a job that gives me that.  Oh, now I’m miserable.  I want a job that makes me happy.  Oh, now I’m poor, and thus unhappy.  I want a job that makes me lots of money.  Good, got one.  Unhappy.  It’s a cycle we follow.

He advised me to stick out my contract.  I know it’s probably the right thing to do.  But for the record this is coming from someone who makes less than I do and is satisfied doing that.  Which is fine, but I don’t know that he quite understands how much I want to achieve my other life goals quickly.  Should I be patient?  I feel like this might be opportunity knocking.  And if it’s not… then is there harm in applying?  If I got an offer I could take that to my boss and see how much they value me then. 

I’m in a unique position.  I have a 1 year contract covering a maternity leave.  It ends in February.  Colleen isn’t back until April.  So I assume they would want to keep me at least until then.  That’s 9 months from now.  We discussed last night that maybe when my contract runs out is when to talk about a raise.  I can’t see them wanting to train someone to work the remaining 2.5 months before she gets back, but then is it worth it to me to be paid more for 5 cheques?  What about asking when I get my review in October?  She’s already aware of my financial goals in terms of salary, and then would be the time to discuss my goals again.  That’s only 3 months away.  But then what sort of leverage do I have?  That leaves 6 months until Colleen returns and 4 months until my contract is up. 

The best leverage, I feel, is an offer from another company.  I’m good at what I do.  I would be good at what they do too.  And I would make $10,000 more a year, plus commission.  But would I be happy?  I feel like I just have so much on the go outside of work that I could do anything that kept me busy enough to pass the time and paid enough to pay the bills and I would be ok.  Plus I would have freedom there that I don’t get here.  It makes me mental when a boss draws lines and enforces rules when they don’t follow them themselves.  She has a strict 12-1 lunchtime policy yet leaves at 11:30 and doesn’t come back til 1:45 some days.  She is makng me work through 3 lunches so I can leave 3 hours early for a wedding later this month and yet the same day she approved the time and told me about missing the lunches to make it up, she left at 2pm for a dentist appointment and took her full lunch hour.  It’s brewing into resentment.

My friend made a quick $15,000 deal the other day (not the norm, but still great).  I did some calculations.  She made about $1200 on that deal in commission.  That’s my paycheque.  Before taxes.  That was ONE DEAL.  And her base is way bigger than my whole paycheque!

I know a fair few people who need promo materials too.  I have 2 family members who own and run large local companies.  Keith’s uncle has his own garage and I know he orders promo things.  I have an LED flashlight keychain thing with his logo on it.  That’s 3 clients alone I’m 99% sure I could get. 

There’s a new executive and she’s super hot and the VP marketing, who I was supposed to hae a meeting with half an hour ago has her in his office talking about marketing strategy and it’s annoying cause I need to get my shit done.  And we hae a conference call in 5 minutes I’m sure well be late for.  Men.

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July 16, 2010

That fourth paragraph perfectly sums up my experience with my last employer.

That’s the shits isn’t it? Lol. I’ve been in sort of the same boat, and am going to school to get a job with low pay but that I’ll be happy in. If only we could find one that meets both expectations? Ryn: Thanks for your note, I appreciate it 🙂

July 16, 2010

i kno, and its also kinda sad that im not even a freshmen and scored her a high grade. she said she’d pay me as many pts as she’d get, but totally agree on the $50 thing -__-