
I’ve been considering moving my brother from ceremony music to bridesman.  My mom seems all in a tizzy over it, and I think it would be nice, but my only thing is would it be weird walking down the aisle?  Would he walk down with the flower girl and her dad?  Or would I put him with one of my sisters with another groomsman on the other side of her?  It’s something so small and takes up such little time that day, I don’t know why I care so much.

Plus, I really think I’d like him singing at my wedding.  Is that SO WRONG?  No.  It’s so right.  Good.

I’m trying to find a psalm that sounds awesome.  Harder than you’d think.  Harder even to convince my brother that it’s not going to be the worst thing in the world to sing a song about Jesus.

I have to look into that whole marriage prep course.  Hopefully we can do it in the fall, after wedding season.

Signed up for bootcamp!  Waddup!  I’m gonna be all svelte and such.  It’s called Booty Camp and it’s for women and it’s outdoors.  I’m not wearing pink camo.  That is something I refuse to do.  I will not.  You cannot make me.  Don’t even try it!

God I’m bored.  Work is sucky when I’m the only one in this whole house.  It’s nice, but also lonely.  Oh well.  I’ll get all my scheduling done for the itinerary for Saturday.  Already had like 15 emails back and forth with the bride today.  Sigh.  I hope everything goes well on Thursday so I don’t have to go home and cry.

I deleted the cheater’s number yesterday.  The bride this Saturday makes me so angry at the cheater, so away he must go.  Been here before.  We shall see where it ends up.  We’ve been growing apart and aparter over the past years.  More so since I got the ring from the wonderful one.  That’s to be expected, I suppose.  

Just found this gem.  I died when I watched it.  Whew.  I’m all teary and verklempt.

Ok.  Love y’all.

Kiss. Hug.

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It’s your wedding, you can do what you want. Tonya’s brother sang at our wedding, and it worked pretty well.

I’m a groomswoman in a wedding this coming October! Usher and all 🙂 Doing outdoors bootcamp right now. It’s kicking my ASS!

June 27, 2011

there are some beautiful classic hymns based on psalms, protestants know how to do it. Probably wouldn’t be to hard to find lead sheets for them on the internet.

June 27, 2011

agreed, its your wedding and you can do whatever you want. 🙂

June 28, 2011

je t’aime xoxo

June 29, 2011

I would so wear pink camo 😛