
That long weekend was fantasmic.

Dinner on Friday evening with a good friend.  Shitty food, good beer, great conversation.  We’re so lucky.

Back to school bright and early Saturday morning.  11 hours of class, brain full and excited, but good GOD was I tired by the time 7pm rolled around.  Met Keith for some more terrible food and some more good beer and some more great conversation.  Poor guy is going ot have to hear the word wedding roughly a billion times in the next rest of his life.  He deals.  He thinks I’m pretty, so it’s worth it, or something.  Plus I allow hockey to infiltrate our evenings rather often.

Bed early and then up and at ’em again for another 11 hours of wedding planning class.  By the end of Sunday I was so high on possibilities and life goals I went home and continued working.  Then I forced myself out of my office and tried to calm my brain in front of the tube for an hour before forcing myself into bed.

Delicious extra day of weekend.

Monday morning I woke up without an alarm set, fully waiting for sleeping in to take place.  But alas, I woke up with the sun.  When I checked the clock, it changed from 6:59 to 7:00 and I hopped out of bed.  Shower, hair, dress, tea, office.  Mmmm sweet sweet sunrise in my office.  Again, I’m so so so lucky.

Met Keith for breakfast at 9:15 and we went over guest list.  I cooed over the cutest baby ever, seated right beside us.  Keith’s face made that look like Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan.  Irrelevant.  Cute babies are meant to be cooed over.  And if we’re to go for breakfast that early on a holiday, it’s babies we will see – not hungover college kids like we’re used to.

The guest list is too big.  Why do we have so much love to give?!!

Then to the parents’ for Family Day.  Let Hannah drive to Caroline’s work.  She’s very 16 at driving.  That’s no good.  Then visiting with the auntie and gazing at gowns online with all the ladies in the house.  Sighs.  Dreamy sighs mostly. 

Then ordering food and picking it up on the way and dining with Keith.  We sat at the table and I chatted nonstop while he watched me ,bemusedly, prattle on.  At one point I lost my breath and took a moment to compose myself.  He grinned and asked me if I was ok.  If it was out of my system.  Bless him.  I told him no, but I’d be all right.  10 plates were just added to our guest list on my way out the door and really, I’m not sure why it’s such a big deal when it’s not my wallet that’s paying for them.  Yes, life is good and that man brings me back down to earth when I lose myself in the details.

We watched a rom com and I teared up several times.  Bedtime and now here I am, halfway through my day, and only mildly having to fight the urge to gather my things and march myself out the door and into a new career.  That is not the way of the world, Kaitlin. 


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February 22, 2011

I felt slightly out of breath just reading this entry. GIRL, YOU CRAZY! <3

February 23, 2011

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3