
It’s finally summer.  Not technically, I guess.  But weather…ly.

I love this time of year.  The lilacs are blooming and I always get nostalgic when I see them.  We used to have tons of lilac bushes in my backyard when I was growing up.  I’d spend hours in the backyard smelling them and playing with my friends and siblings.  Then I’d pick some and bring them to my mom so they could fill the house with that familiar smell.  They’re only here for a few weeks and then they’re gone.  So sweet, so temporary.  But worth it.

God I love this weather.  The air is full of promise and possibility.  Another summer upon us – what fun is on the horizon?

For me it’s a summer different than every other.  I can’t wait!

I bought sunscreen after work yesterday so I could go for a run in the sunshine.  Normally I’m all for tan lines – who cares, anyway?  But not until after this wedding.  My dress is enough visual interest without my skin competing for attention.

My abs are sore.  I did a 12 minute ab workout after my run and I can’t believe how effective it was.  Final push, folks.  32 days to go.  I bet I can lose 5 lbs.  You watch!

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May 15, 2012

Summer in Canada is the middle two weeks in August. heheheheh I saw a t-shirt at a national park up there with Canada’s Seasons under two boxes, one with snow flakes and the other with a mosquito. The caption “Winter and Bugs.” But I did have an exciting time up there. Be well.

May 15, 2012


May 15, 2012

yeah! you are awesome! 12 minutes eh? woah!