
I know you might be bored of hearing about how much I love life at the moment, but I’m going to continue anyway.  I love life!

I was driving home last night after work.  Driving on a road surrounded in green fields, some goats on my left, cows on my right.  And then I squealed and yelled out my window "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"  I’m so lucky.  I didn’t know that I could be so satisfied and fulfilled in my life.  Everything’s so normal but nothing’s boring.

I live in weddings these days.  It’s bliss.

Today:  Work this morning – get through to-do list.  Make centrepieces this afternoon with my aunt for cousin’s wedding tomorrow.  SO EXCITED.  Home after work… possible stop to check out a dress or 5 for tomorrow’ wedding.  Keith to pick up his new suits from the tailor.  Kaitlin to die because he looks SO GOOD in his new suits.  Kaitlin to soak in the bath, shave legs, super moisturize, have a facial and do nails.  Keith to come over and a glass of wine to be had.  Love love love date night.  I hope there’s no hockey game on.

Tomorrow:  WEEEEEEEEEEEDDIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!  Super fun wedding too.  With my whole dad’s side of the family.  Keith and I love going to weddings cause at the end we’re always like hug hug kiss kiss I love you yay we’re getting married.  He’ll deny that to his death, but I know it’s true.

I had coffee this morning.  Feeling good!  I looked in the mirror and I feel that this cutting out white flour, sugar and rice is working already.  I will be skinnier in a month!  Yes I will!

I discovered a little phrase that I think could well be the one I tattoo on my side.  How do y’all feel about: "Oh what wonder each day brings"?

Me, I love it.

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May 20, 2011

I love that saying! I love tattoo’s on the sides too (rib cages, right?). I have actually yelled out my window before just like that! (actually JUST like that probably going through the country – just a warm summer day).. last year after I got off work for the summer! I’m so happy for you that you’re loving life !:) Yippeee!

I have screamed out of my window before, but never in joy. It’s usually out of frustration or anger. 🙂

May 20, 2011

“I had coffee this morning. Feeling good!” haha, i thought you “sounded” hyper after reading a few lines. yay, i love it when people around me (even online) are in good moods, it always affects me too. 🙂 btw, how is it going cutting out white flour and sugar? i’ve thought about it before but i’m too much of a candy fiend to actually go through with it. have you ever tried Amy’sfrozen meals? totally vegan and totally tasty!

May 20, 2011


June 3, 2011

Love it!

June 21, 2011

Tell me more, tell me more! Did ya get very far? Tell me more, tell me more! Like, does he have a car? BUT REALLY, UPDATE, THOUGH.