
Moved in.  It’s almost a home.

I’ve been trying to unpack and organize, but I keep having to stop and read old diaries for an hour.  I’ve relived most of 2004 all the way to 2007 now.  Measuring time by boyfriends, by friendships lived and lost.  I’ve filled so many books with thoughts and feelings.  It’s wickedly embarrassing, really, to go back and read about how dramatic everything was to me.  My GOD.  HOW COULD HE.  WHY ME.  WAH WAH WAH I’M A TEENAGER.  Yuck.

My boss was very right about taking today off work.  Sometimes she’s very wise.

But now I should get back to it.  I need to get through these boxes and go out and buy a couch!  I should probably get some shelves, too.  For all my books full of words and feelings.

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I know what you mean. To this day, my four years of high school are defined by memories of boys. It’s sick! Enjoy couch shopping!

November 22, 2010

How does your boss get so much time off!

November 22, 2010

We JUST had that conversation last night. How we measure time by boys. Hah.

It’s always so revealing reading through old diaries… It’s weird too, reading about who you were through the eyes of who you are now. Good luck unpacking! I hate moving lol. ryn: Thank you!!! It was a pretty good birthday 🙂

November 22, 2010

I`ve been doing the same thing trying to move my stuff from one room to the other. Piles and piles of things to sort through but oh, no wait, sitting and reading an old diary for two hours is a much better use of time. You are a home owner! ZOMGWTFBBQAHHH

November 22, 2010

Oh reliving the diary – sometimes I cringe lol Hope you get a cool couch and stuff 🙂

I remember when I got my first “place”… I barely had any furniture, but it was awesome nonetheless…

RYN: With this job, I make $46,000/year. The most I’ve made before this was $40,000/year. So between Tonya and I we make just under $90,000/year.