
Not feeling tip top today.  I’ve been sneezing and coughing all morning.  I think it has to do with perfume though – allergies and what not.  My own fault.  I ate a hard boiled egg in my office and that eggy smell was lingering.  People were walking past my office and smelling it and I thought they might think it was me.  I changed my garbage can and waved some disinfecting clorox wipe things around but that made it worse.  So I found my perfune in my purse and sprayed it 3 times around my office.  It smells amazing now but it’s a lot. 

On the plus side I’m garnering sympathy for my sniffly ways.  Yes, that is a good thing.  Now I look like a hero who is soldiering through illness to be here.  How committed.  I’m SO dedicated to my job.  HIRE ME FULL TIME, FOOLS.


I wish it would stop raining.  This weather makes me want to stay in bed and drink hot tea and read.  Which is, as you can imagine, not what I’m currently doing.

I tried on all my pretty gifts from my bachelorette party on Saturday (PS AWESOME bachelorette.  Was delightful!).  Such lovely things.  Almost everything fits great.  Just one I think that’s a strange boob fit.  Oh well.  It’s not like you wear them for long anyway.

Surprised myself in the corset though.  Dude, the thing took literally 25 minutes for me to figure out and put on right.  But once it was… so pretty!  I had no idea I would like it so much.  It’s gorgeous, really.  Got some lovely white frilly things too – I don’t know how I’m going to choose what to wear on the wedding night.  And lots of fun ones and a few sets that are awesome (including a glow in the dark one – WHAT?! COOL!)

In other news, I’m Maid of Honour at Bridezilla’s wedding.  Please kill me.  Before I kill her.  I can’t go to jail.  My hair is way too pretty.

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Ask your fiance to pick out your wedding night outfit… 🙂

May 8, 2012

lol @ the bridezilla friend. eek. have fun with it. can’t wait for my bachelorette party, two more weeks!!

May 8, 2012

She’s scary. I’m so happy I’m your maid of honour. LET’S ROCK THIS POLITE STYLE.

May 10, 2012

corsets are the bomb diggity.