
Brainstorming band looks.  Wanna look our spiffiest on July 22nd. 

Hells YES we are opening for La Strada, ladies and gentlemen.  Just got the news this morning.  Still flying high about it.

My boss wasn’t as mad as her emails made her sound.  I finished what she was irritated wasn’t done.  Everybody chill.  Paperwork is boring. 

This building is moving like it did when the earthquake happened.  Just by general a/c and pipe and who knows what ceiling activity is going down.  I wonder what their energy bill is for this dump?  God it’s a sucky ass building.  At least it’s cool in here.

Mars.  Get an a/c/ unit for the window.  Worth your time and money.  Or deal with a fan.  Kept me cool last night.  Probably tough to find this week.  I bet everyone bought one or both of these items yesterday when Ottawa melted.

I have popsicles in the freezer.

Got a meeting in half an hour.  To go over "to-do" list with boss lady.  She’s off next week, so she needs to overwhelm me today with everything I must achieve in her absence.  She’ll be in Nova Scotia.  Oh how sweet it is.  And during Bluesfest week.  There is a God.

I love the Glebe.  I don’t think I can ever leave.

Nellie is simply tickled that we’re living together.  She moved over so I could lie beside her in bed while we creeped this dude on FB.  She goes "Look at us being roomies!"  Yes.  I know.  Haha adorable.

I had caffeine this morning.  Can’t focus on one thing for too long.  Anxious.  Excited.  In love with everything.

Who needs drugs?

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Who needs drugs when you have opsicles in the freezer? 🙂

July 6, 2010

I think I miiiight just get a second fan, for more betterer circulation, and see where it goes!! When I googled La Strada they came up as a Yugoslav band from the 80s. I was confused. Now I think I’ve found the band that you speak of, and they’re wicked. Actually as this song progresses I’m more and more impressed. Sweet!!! And I’m REALLY glad you’re helping the boys dress.

July 6, 2010

oh congrats on the band opening! 🙂