
Thirty days.  Thirty days and suddenly all my anxiety is gone and all that’s left is excitement.  I was so hoping this would be the case and now we’re here!  I’m just looking forward to it despite all the nonsense and irritation surrounding it.

Oh, and like 45 RSVPs haven’t come back.  Rude.  I’ll spend all of Saturday calling people to get their response.  Honestly, people.  How hard is it to throw an envelope in the mailbox?  I put a fargin stamp on it for you!  You literally just have to put it in a box. Sigh.

I got home yesterday and Keith was consolidating all my shower gifts from the weekend prior.  He’s like "I couldn’t take it anymore… so many bags and boxes.  I needed to do something."  Bless him.  I’ve been busy, dammit!  There simply isn’t room for all the gifts we’ve received and I swear I’ll get on making some room this weekend.  Swear.

Keith’s bachelor party this weekend.  Bless his heart, he’s wary.  The boys have been worrying him with their knowing looks and warnings of his demise.  He’ll have a great time though, and he knows it.  Party bus to Toronto, Blue Jays game, VIP clubs… all fun.  I anticipate there will be a stripper or 2 somewhere in that weekend, but of course no one has told me that part.  Haha it should be great.  Wish I was going, actually.

I’m going to lunch with the office today and then tonight is the United Way gala.  Whee two free meals in one day!  Then tomorrow… IS FRIDAY!  Long weekend and sunshine and I don’t even have plans.  It’s the best thing ever.  I actually really need to buckle down and get a bunch of projects done at home for the wedding.  Not much time left to put them off.  I think I’ll even try out a possible recipe for the pies I’m making for our wedding dessert.  Sour cherry pie.  We’ll see how that turns out. 

I’m so excited for life.

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There will definitely be a stripper in there somewhere. Lol…

May 17, 2012


May 17, 2012

yum, care to share you sour cherry pie recipe if it turns out well? D loves cherry pie so i’d like to make him one soon. 🙂 so much excitement, i’m in feeling super anxious….6 weeks to go for me. have fun calling for the rsvps, i really wish people would just put those darn things in the mail. i had someone text me that they were coming….i mean really? why not just use the card igave them? haha

May 17, 2012

I just put my RSVP in the mail. I’m the worst. You must forgive me! Maaaaarriaaaaaage!

May 17, 2012

I seem to recall, but I might have just imagined it. cherry pie… omnomnom…