
So I’ve seen a few ladies on Facebook now who have done this new trend while they were pregnant: belly casts.  They actually get their belly and boobs cast so they have a memento of their pregnant selves.

I do not understand.

What does one do with a belly cast after they receive it from the artist?  The caster?  What do you call someone who does that for a living?  Do you put it on your wall, keep it in the closet… what?  I just don’t understand the purpose.  I get that pregnancy is wonderful and lovely and special and you want a memento of your time in that place in life.  But what is the purpose of these things?  Do you get your friends to come over and slip it under their shirts so everyone can marvel at how enormous you are while you’re carrying a HUMAN in your belly?


Dude, the boss is off today and before end of day yesterday gave me my work to be accomplished today.  It was roughly 1.5 hours of work I’ve managed to stretch into 4.  I’ve spent a large portion of my day on Pinterest.  I’ve made some personal calls, done some online shopping… I’m out of things to do.  It’s 1:30 and I told myself I could leave at 3:30.  2 more hours, but WHAT TO DO?!

Maybe I’ll do some more wedding stuff.  There’s not much left, truthfully, unless I’m at home with all the craft supplies I need to deal with.  But alas.  I am at work.


And it’s gorgeous outside and I want to be there!  Or go get my hair cut.  Or go for a run now that I’m not snotting all over the place.  Anything!

Have a good weekend!

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May 11, 2012

LOL belly casts. i do not understand either. but im one of those people who is actually terrified of pregnancy and unlike 99% of the female population, am totally creeped out and (i hate to say it) kind of grossed out about big stretched pregnant bellies. i do not want to rub them EVER. xx.

May 11, 2012

eeeewwww! I agree, why? you have a good weekend too! xo