
My crazy is calming.  Ahh…….. Another psycho week over.

Tuesday!  I will FINALLY have my review meeting I was supposed to have last week.  Got the plague so I couldn’t do it then.  Today is the day.  I loOove assessing where I am in life and setting goals for the future.  It brings me peace.  I do it every day, really.  Mostly with my monies.  But sometimes with my actual life.  Is that dumb?  Whatever.  I LOVE TO PLAN!

Wedding music practice last night.  Word!  It’s gonna be good.  We’re good.

I’m wearing a big awesome skirt today.  It’s yours, Caroline.  The white pleated full one with the light big blue polka dots on it.  Cuuuuuuuuute.  Skirts make me happy on rainy days.

OH MAN.  I tried these weird "natural" detox pad things you stick on the bottom of your feet while you sleep last night and they’re supposed to pull out your toxins or some junk.  Anyway, they smelled exactly like smoked meat and I’m not sure how much I trust their claims.  I mean, I do believe 100% that there are things that help toxins come out of your body and certain substances can help even more, like those weird footbaths and blah blah blah, but I was trying to figure out how these could possibly turn dark unless your toxins were coming out.  BUT this morning when I pulled them off (and has a sudden craving for jerky, ew) I realized they probably turn dark cause of the moisture.  There’s weird clay powder stuff in there and then you tape it off, so any heat or sweat your foot produces (which is a lot, your feet and hands are the sweatiest parts of your body), the sweat wets the clay and it no longer moves freely about but gets hard and you can see it cause it gets stuck to the pouch it comes in.  That was really difficult to explain.  Anyway, I’m gonna conduct an experiment tonight to see if just wetting one of these things will make it look the same. 

Wow!  Boring.  Sorry to waste a minute of your time while you read that.

In other news, I’m looking for a surgeon this morning so he can cut out my ovaries, which are causing me considerable suffering today.  Are you a surgeon?

I wish it was Friday.  I would still be at home, just about to get in my car to go get my mani-pedi.  Mmmmm Friday…


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May 4, 2010

1) MY SKIRT 2) I hate skirts on rainy days. My legs get cold 3) Where on earth did you get those toxin foot things. Tante Beate? crazy.

May 4, 2010

Yes, hello, I am the surgeon you are looking for. I am he.