
Had one hell of a Monday.  I collected all the tax forms I needed, sent them to the bank, went to the seller’s place of work, signed the purchase agreement, had her sign, got it witnessed, called her husband to come sign, went back to work, scanned it in, and emailed it to my lawyer.  I’m hopingto hear from the bank today whether I’m approved for the mortgage so we can get final papers done up and get this shit dealt with.  Whew!

Then my friend Nicole called and asked if I wanted to go on a boat cruise tonight full of wedding industry people.  Obv.  So we went, and I saw a guy with a shirt on that bore the logo of the place I applied two weeks ago and have been bothering with follow ups ever since.  So I tapped him on the shoulder and shook his hand.  Turns out he was the owner, who was the same person I was emailing earler that day.  He was very impressed to see me at the event, (which would be part of my job there anyway), and told me he was happy with my bothering him all the time.  Blah blah blah "you’re a persistent little thing, aren’t you?"  I am.

Anyway, I have an interview next week.  When exactly, I’m not sure.  But I have one.  I feel a little skeezy.  I like my job, but this is about money for me.  And getting closer to weddings, which is where I’d like to go.  However, my main priority would be marketing and advertising.  Not events.  But I’d be marketing the venue and advertising their events.  It’s all related, right?  I’m more concerned with the paycheque part.  Not at the expense of my happiness, mind.  I figure very least I get an offer and use it to squeeze more money out of my boss.  Well, very least I don’t get an offer and stay where I am, making negative monies. 

Gotta go plan a grand opening.  It requires very little skill and even less creativity.

My ovaries hurt.  Shut up.

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