
I’ve been putting off this project for work since basically November.  At first it was because I didn’t have the information I needed.  Then in the new year I was told to just do it without the new info and they’ll figure it out.  I hated that.  I don’t like not knowing how something should turn out when I start it.  I need guidelines, expectations, a standard so I know I’ve come out on top.

Today I woke up with the headache I’ve had for three days.  It was hard to open my left eye for the throbbing, so I stayed home.  I thought, well, today’s the day.  I have to complete it or I can never quit.  So I sat down about 2 hours ago and started.  As I go my headache is ebbing away.  I’m almost positive it’s stress related because as I achieve more, it hurts less.  And I feel lighter and freer.  Once this is done I can make my escape!  What will that feel like?  I anticipate it will feel like petting a unicorn.  Or hugging a friendly bear.  Or finishing a marathon.

Also, I put my wedding band on.  Girl’s gotta have some joys in life, no?

Back to it.

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March 6, 2012

haha, I’ve been wearing my wedding band a lot of my right hand!

March 6, 2012

I wanna pet a unicorn. RIGHT NOW!

March 6, 2012

Totally like petting a unicorn! 😀

March 6, 2012

haha, i wish i could wear my band, D still hasn’t even ordered! getting anxious at that man’s procrastination, lol. good for you on getting your project started!

March 6, 2012

I still get giggly and girly when I look down at my wedding band 🙂 so many sparkles! I totally get it.