
I am working no more than ten hours a week.  It’s troubling, that.  How am I to pay the bills?  It makes me sad to accept money from others trying to help out.  I have to consciously swallow my pride and remind myself I need to do this.  Actually need.  And then that I would do the exact same thing for them, so why the resistance?  Yucky, money.

This morning the fellow woke me up on the phone.  It was a happy thing, to answer that call and hear his voice first thing.  But then the talk of money came and the wedding and budget and how we both feel badly and yet also thankful that our parents are spending so much on our wedding.  But then the guilt came and I felt so sad.  Sadder than I have felt in quite some time.  I don’t know how to express that I can’t make the price of things less than they are and that suggesting plastic cutlery is not funny to me.  I feel that if our families made the guest list 90 people more than we intended, then why should I feel so guilty when they are surprised it costs 90 people more?  I expressed these things when they were adding them, so I don’t feel I should be responsible for this nonsense.

You want to feed 240 people then feed them.  I just want to get married.

We’ve decided to talk to those who don’t have significant others and explain that we’d really like them not to bring a date.  We could cut a ton of plates out this way, and people really shouldn’t be bringing a date they aren’t actually in a relationship anyway.  But just because I know that doesn’t mean they will, so we need to ask them not to.  Them’s the breaks I guess.

I felt my first stress about this thing today.  Wish we’d gotten married last summer.  Blech.


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January 26, 2012

IMBRINGING TEN DATES. Only because that’s how many bfs I have. I hope this is no trouble at all.

January 26, 2012

weddings are expensive yo! ha, we’re paying out lots of money as it is. ick. btw, i’ve been to two weddings in the past year that used plastic cutlery, it was silver in color and looked very much like silverware. it didn’t bother me at all….as long as there isn’t a lot of tough food on the menu. 🙂

January 26, 2012

I’ve never understood why someone who is single should get to bring a random person to someone else’s wedding. Unless the couple has all the money in the world to spend on the wedding. In which case I, too, would bring ten dates. All this to say, why would I need to bring a date? I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU.

January 26, 2012

Hi! I did the same thing, and most of the time people are understanding. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY! This is YOUR day and everyone else can shut the hell up. Love you xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo