
Oh my.  Busy times, these days are.  New responsibilities.  I handed over my last construction project yesterday.  FEELS SO GOOD.  On to my actual job description we go!

I’ve been cutting bubble wrap for hours.  Someone has to do it!

My best friend had her first baby last night 🙂  About 12 hours of labour, I think.  And now little Mason is with us.  Well, I mean, he’s in Fredericton, so he’s with some people, not me.  But I get to meet him at Christmas and I could not be more stoked about it!  He’s so little and pink.  Newborn baby pics are flying around through texts all over the place.

Sweet baby Mason.  I can’t believe Jilly had a baby.  I am so full of love for her and that kid!

Life can be so beautiful.

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