
Last Wednesday.

Last night I was STOOD UP for a meeting.  It’s really only annoying me now.  At the time I was all, I don’t think he’s coming.  I’m gonna get in line so I can eat some food.  Then I was so pleased with the delicious Green Door food that I didn’t much care.  Then I went and bought a new leather coat and tried to buy a new printer, but the lovely guy hitting on me in the store told me that very one was going on sale for $80 less today, so I decided to wait until after work today to buy it.  Waddup.  Successful Tuesday evening methinks.

Anyway, now I’m a bit peeved that he didn’t show up.  This is a guy I went to college with who has started his own marketing/branding company and we were meeting to discuss mutually beneficial business.  I need a brand created for my company.  He knows a million people getting married.  I mean, hello, you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours.  But instead I ate my vegetarian meal alone.  Just me and my iPhone.  God it was good.  I want to go back in time and eat it over again.

In other news, this morning is draaaaaaagging on.  I’m doing so many things and being super productive (likely due to my amazingly healthy diet of fantastic food) and I’m not being rewarded with speedy time!  What IS that??

I want to go running.  I need someone around here who will push me to work harder.  I want to be hella hot body lady by my birthday.  3.5 months, folks.  We can do this, summer!  Late twenties, here I come!  Ewwww that felt weird to say.

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May 4, 2011

I’m with you on the late twenties!!! I turn 26 in August. Ahhh. I wish you could come run with me .. we’d have fun .. just chat the whole time and before you’d know it we’d be done! hahah. That sucks about being stood up. What an ass. People are asses. I hope he has a good reason.

May 4, 2011

RYN: I will be 26 on the 26th 🙂 Whooo I’m getting old!

May 4, 2011

RYN: Omg, you don’t have to tell me about turning 25. I was completely distraught with it all. I felt like my world was crashing down. haha. Well, especially for me because I always felt like I’d be married and have kids on the way at 25 and I wasn’t even close to that! I think 26 will be easier now that I’m more settled on “late” 20’s! Easier number to swallow.

May 4, 2011

Ah I’m sad, this is my last year in my 20s. Haha. Good luck on your hot body progress, I’m doing the same thing. I WILL proudly wear a swimsuit this year, haha.

I know… I remember the last twenties…. now I’m turning 30 in two weeks… *sigh*

May 4, 2011

I think you already have a hot body. As for being stood up for a meeting, he should know better. If people ask your opinion about him you can tell them the truth. It’s just bad business. on another note, I’m practicing Oh Canada (feel kinda stupid doing it but I don’t want to pull and Aguilera if ya know what I’m saying) The French version is much more badass than the English. See you soon!