Let’s try this again
I had a OD way back in the day, long before they shut down. I loved it. It wasn’t cluttered like other social media sites with friends and family that scrutinize my every move. I could just talk openly about my day and met some pretty cool people along the way who I still keep in touch with on other sites. I had a dream about it the other night, realized I missed it so I thought I would see if they had re opened it, glad to see the idea is still here, but anxious about the subscription aspect, I guess we’ll see how it goes.
A lot has changed in my life since then, this was an outlet for me to express some of my sadder emotions, I find these days I’m not quite so sad all the time. But if you guys are willing, I’d still like to talk about my day and emotions to complete strangers. So, here we go.
Currently weathering out tropical storm Florence, it’s my birthday today so happy birthday to me! Guess God figured it wasn’t enough I’m getting old, he had to trap me in my parents house eating and drinking my boredom away. I swear I’m going to weigh a ton by the time this is all over with. If anyone happens to be reading this in the SC/NC location I hope you’re safe
I guess I chose an uneventful day to start this journey again, hopefully I didn’t bore any readers to tears. Also, I’m typing this on my phone as I don’t have a computer anymore so excuse any typos.
I don’t know if they still do friends or followers or whatever on here, but feel free to do that if they do. I’m looking forward to making new pals on here. I just hope you all like dogs because they’re basically my life. I have two Scottish terriers and I’m a dog groomer, so I’m around dogs pretty much 24/7.
Okay, so yeah. First entry is a go. I’m going to try and figure out what the new OD is all about. Have a good day everyone
It’s good to see you again, welcome back!
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Welcome back to OpenDiary. I look forward to hearing more about your dogs <3.
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