writing through tears, I hate PMS


I have just upset the entire family .. Allycat is crying and folding my washing to try and make good , Dino , Sparky AJ(allycats boyfriend) and Emm (Dions girlfriend )have gone home in a hurry…

S is sweeping the kitchjen floor and drying the dishes .. Maxi went to bed..

I am a ranting idiot.. slaming doors and screaming questions that no one can answer..


Why did no one get up from the dinner table and help put away or wash dishes ?

Why did no one say good bye and thanks for dinner ??

AJ and Emm must think I am a lunatic… I snapped.

It was all going so well .. I was cutting up the cheesecake for dessert, when I realised that I had cooked and cleaned and was still working while all those ungrateful pigs sat and did nothing .. AJ had cleared the table and helped make the salads, everyone else just sat on their butts and watched TV or watched stuff on Youtube in the garage office .. 

I mentioned to Dino that he could get the dishes done .. he gawffed at me .. I said Ohhh come on man  Aj has helped me .. the lesat you can do is the dishes .. then Aj turned and said don’t use me as an example … I’m not into that .. come on Dino and Em .. I have an early start in the morning we have to go ..

So I put the lid on the cheesecake .. put it in the fridge and ran the sink and started the dishes .. 

Allycat say to Aj and Dino .. good one .. now no one gets dessert , Dino comes out and stands behind me but says nothing about getting in the sink .. I am over it all by now and so just tell him to go home .. obviously thats what Aj wants .. next minute the front door closes , and I see Sparky and Dino leave ..  Aj running through the lounge saying are you guys going wait for me … no sign of Emm.. shes already in the car ..


I had to have a break …

I cried and cried… mumbling to myself about how did I end up with such selfish , unappreciative kids …

its now an hour or so later .. Allycat stayed and we talked and talked about what happened , how a fun night with the family suddenly went so wrong ..

She says that Aj says things like what he says all the time as part of his humour .. I took it the wrong way and now he is worried that hes made me mad .. Dino and Emm just took off cos I said go home.. and Sparky came with them so had to go with them..  No one realises how I felt.

But now I feel stupid .. moodyness and hormones .. tears for no reason , jumping to conclusions, irrational behaviour ..

What a Bitch




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November 10, 2009

ryn: I was 104 kilos tops a year ago- and then in July 86.5 and from there I am now 62 kilos as of yesterday morning xxx

November 10, 2009

*hugs* as mothers we have all been there. Hopefully it will also make them think

November 10, 2009

I don’t think you did anything wrong. In fact, I would still think you did nothing wrong if you yelled at them all to get off their lazy butts and do something to help! You’re just too good to them normally and kids take advantage of that fact. And mmmmm cheesecake will make all things better 😉 *HUGS*

November 10, 2009

hormones rioting is a killer of relationships but only short term thankfully. I am amazed there was cheesecake left to put back in the frig…it wouldn’t last two minutes in my house. hugs and smiles P

November 10, 2009

Oh man, hormones suck. Hopefully they’ll know that next time they should help out!

November 10, 2009

Vesuvius erupts! You’ll feel bad for a short while and then realise there’s some learning arising from the incident. Upward and onward.