Wont stand for that in my own home* edit


hmmm , I have had a growl at a parent ..

I guess you can call it that ,

I am in the middle and I hear from both sides how bad each other is .. (a failed marriage and I so see why.)

I was ok with hearing little bits , them airing etc but today Dad took it too far , he has obviously had a stressful day and came home to find child not 100%, and asleep on the couch.  I thought better that she had 30 mins on the couch and wake to go home than him walk in on her screaming and uncooperative as she had been.

Anyway he rolled his eyes and said "I Have to go out " .. I explained that he still could , she was just having a little nap .. and that she would be better off now than if she had not..

He shrugged and went "well I have to go and she will have to come of course.."

Then he went to the car and dropped off all her stuff .. when he came back he questioned me about the bikes in the drive , is that hers ???

Yes it is , Mum dropped it off for her to ride  here as she wont be at home , doesn’t ride it much at home and well its not really a good bike for her , its hard to ride .. and before I could say anything else he went off his nut at Mums attitude , how the reason the child does not ride the bike is because of Mums attitude .. blah blah blah , Mums attitude sucks at the moment , everything Mum sayd sucks , I am over Mum .. rah rah rah .. and I stopped him .. woah .. i really don’t need to hear all this sorry .. hey thats none of my concern ..

But he just waffled on and then started on about the wages and the day care bill .. I have nothing to do with any of that .. I know nothing .. If they don’t pay , I don;t know thats between them and the office .. and he was spouting on about her not paying her share etc ..

I scooped up the sleeping child , and I asked him to leave , really I am sorry but I don’t need to hear any of this , its not my business .

Take her home .

Have a great night see you in the morning.

he left , but did not say goodbye or close the door on his way out .. and I was left shaken.

Grrrrrrrrr not how I like to end my days at all

I talked to my Co Ord and she said I was right to ask him to stop , right to ask him to leave , and that I could just say I was put in a difficult position when he spoke about my other care parent like that , and that it was not healthy in front of his kids , my kids or other care kids..

.Phew I just hope I don’t say "sorry I was grumpy" and take the blame for it all tomorrow ..




Thursday : I get an early morning text. :::  Sorry about last night I had some bad news and I had had enough, But I was out of line, again I am sorry.

I text back ;; Thank you .. today is a new day .

And drop off went well, I was a little nervous but nothing was said and we just carried on like normal. Yeahhh ..

Thanks for the wicked notes

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November 17, 2009

gosh- hard day hugs

November 17, 2009

dont you dare take the blame…that was uncalled for…nothing you needed to be concerned with…I hope he realises he was wrong to do what he did and say sorry to you!!

November 18, 2009

u don’t need to hear it all right!

November 18, 2009

You handled that situation really well. I guess there might be some regret about the situation that family are in, and I guess it’s ok to express that. Now back to the scrabble………….

November 18, 2009

the next time I saw him i would ask is this going to be a repeat performance

November 18, 2009

How good is it when during these times of difficulty you have the presence of mind to care for his daughter, and even him to an extent? The stopping of the emotional outburst probably saved him some grief. Thanks for doing this and allowing him to see better and apologize. Be well; Peace…dan

November 18, 2009

I am glad you said something! I get peeved with parents who forget to put their children first….after all…we choose to have a child and they deserve nothing less than to be our priority. His other problems are definately NOT your concern but he possibly needs some kind of emotional prop. Tell him to go to a counsellor, that will shut him up as men don’t like to do that. hugs P

November 20, 2009

You handled it really well.