went off like a charm


I know some people think I am mad , but 6 kids entertain themselves , I am in a supervisory role only ..

they played some wicked games and I provided the props.

We made playdough and then set up the picnic table with the tarp and a bucket of toys all shaded by umbrellas .. kids let loose and a ball had by all.

Later in the afternoon 3 went home and I took the remaining kids along with TOH and Maxi to the park with the doggs , a cricket set and a kite .. the kite broke .. darn.. the park was full of prickles .. damn the council not spraying that foul Onehunga weed.

We had a great 30 play on the playground then headed back to the mall and ordered Noddles from the Noodle canteen.. home for dinner , another play , bath, story bed and a wine for me .. ended up with 3 on the sleep over.

I can hear them now they have just woken up .. better get on to breakfast ..

Big day planned .. lots of little jobs to get done while I have a day off.

Enjoy your Sunday




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November 14, 2009

sounds like you did enough to exhaust the kids….I bet you did get that long awaited rest evenutally 🙂 Have a great Sunday

November 14, 2009


November 14, 2009
November 14, 2009

you are a wonderful mum and a great caregiver…… you seem to have the patience of Job, and you do it with style!!!!!! Good for you!!! hugs P

November 15, 2009