weekend madness

It was a dry weekend ..

We had a show to put on . A large firm here in Hamilton booked Starfakers for their Christmas do.

The company had booked a camp on the edge of Karapiro Lake for the weekend and they stayed out there Friday night , Saturday night

There was a pool and kayaking and they held a childrens Christmas party early Saturday.

They were told to come with clothing to dress up as a rock star or entertainer and that was all. They knew there would be entertainment but not what kind.

Starfakers turns up at 4 .. we set up the stage the curtains and the instruments.. TOH takes care of the sound system.

This is TOH’s baby .. his dream, his company.. I am a hired hand and I love it.

At 7 we slip away for a picnic dinner by the river while they all have their Christmas meal .. The kids , TOH , Kenny and I ate buns , salad, ham cocktail sausages , chippies and strawberries and chocolate sauce… washed down with energy drinks and lemonade.

At 8;30 pm we headed back and got dressed and ready for the show. The Staff were all getting dresssed and after their huge meal were rather slow .. lol it sort of kicked off about 9;30pm.

TOH got up on stage dressed as Neil Young.. he "faked" heart of gold ..

Aid and Maxi were curtain pullers .. TOH welcomed the Staff to Starfakers and said we would be out to see them shortly ..

Ohhhh the pandamonium.. NO ONE wanted to get up .. lol .. untill the office staff and other bosses did their act .. then it was all on and we had to cut it short..

The office ladies and upper management were dresssed as the cast of Rocky Horror Picture show.. they did the Time warp and they were good..

Then we had 6 Spice Girls .. all men.. (young men) and they did Wannabe.. OMG what a hoot.. I have never seen so many nipples in my life..

After that the Nuns got up and did .. Living on a prayer… while rocking out and flashing .. well the male Nuns flashed .. the crowd loved it .. and then it was just a steady stream of artists faking it all night long..

With Starfakers .. we come with the stage, curtains , all musical instruments(props) real but they don’t go , mikes , costumes for the ill prepared and an enthusiasim to get you rocking .. you don’t need to be able to sing or play an instrument.. and lets face it .. most of us can’t do either good enough to be onstage.

The music is loud .. there are lights .. its like you are live in concert .. 50,000 mp3’s plus.. you name the song or artist and we have it.

There were menat this gig on Saturday that obviously thought yeah right get stuffed I am not dressing up like a rock star, making a dick of myself .. no way .. then after a few beers and they seen their boss and their mates get up and have so much fun .. I was out the back dressing them up , wigs jackets hats ..lol and they were Led Zepplin.. Nirvana.. and they LOVED it.

The funniest thing I have ever seen tho .. the Spice Girls came back on Stage at the end of the night .. our last act .. Hammered and rearing to go ..

Ladies and Gentlemen.. the lights go out .. the crowd is quiet … the artists behind the curtain all ready to go .. Ladies and Gentlemen .. as Starfakers Last act of the night .. we introduce to you .. RAMSTEIN !!!

and the curtains open and there are the Spice Girls Faking.. " Du Hast".   As a metaler I nearly pee’d.

What a wicked night but a long drive home after packing up again and bed by 3am.

and not a drink all night !!!


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December 8, 2008

that shows one doesn’t need to drink to have fun! Glad you got to enjoy the sunny weekend. hugs P