wedding plans


I have moments when I question this relationship .. then I realise it is my mood not the man.

I am wary..

Not because I am not happy .. but because I am waiting for it to fall apart .. for him to become the REAL him.. but after 8 years .. I think I have seen the REAL him..

We have little disagreements .. we agree to disagree. The making up is fun.


its time to start making the plans ..

I have my ideas and TOH has his.

they are poles apart.

I do not want to walk down an isle, with friends watching and ohhhing and ahhhhing ,

He wants a river side thing .. I see mossies and bugs attacking our guests.

He wants it at 7pm .. so they have time to work the day get dressed and come ..

He wants finger food and drinks .. I think they’ve missed dinner and you’re giving them a sausage roll and a bowl of chips ???

I’d like to whisk everyone away on a double decker party bus.. food and drink on board .. stop (at the river).. say the stuff we need to say .. sign the forms , get on the bus and cruise about. Drinking and eating.. Drop us off at home / motel done. 

We are sitting down and making plans this next week.. more on how we go soon.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Christchurch NZ.. My aunties, uncles , cousins and friends .. all safe and well , homes destroyed , broken and irreplacable things, but no lives lost for me .. I’m thankful for that.

I am also thankful to the members of Hamiltons USAR team . .. the father of one of my care children is one of these brave men. The horrors you have seen my friend .. I am so proud of you. I am looking after your family.  I will be here to help debrief when you get back.

Love you much xxx





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February 27, 2011

fantastic entry….I wasn’t aware of the marriage plans so am delighted of course….Congratulations! There must be a compromise in arrangementss…maybe Raglan beach or the Lake….later afternoon rather than 7pm would be better…then if you can’t manage to feed everyone its not too late for them to go eat elsewhere.When is it happening? How amazing what the Urban S&R and doing down there…you have every right to be proud of the care children’s dad. And in caring for the little ones you are helping Chch indirectly too. Well done. hugs P

February 27, 2011

Wow! I hope you can nut out something that you both will just love.

February 28, 2011

RYN: I like that date…certainly easy to remember…but why so far away? You could have done l1.11.11 instead and then the Mayan prophesies wouldn’t deplete your married times so much *smiles*. hugs P

March 2, 2011

good points made about your relationship….you 2 are separate people with separate likes and dislikes… so happy that you are considering the wedding…love you