try again


ok .. so that was a repeat .. 


Sorry . 

how time has flown . 

Allycat now has a job, working in a pub, wages are ok , tips are better. 

has a tiny room in a house with 5 others.. like a boarding house. 

Loves it .. so happy . Not like the 4  or 5 times she skyped and text and cried cos she hated it. 

she is in her groove , working and has her own bed. 


S is building, doing really well bought 2 cars , a manual and now an auto .. the auto he learns in faster but he wants to learn manual too .. 


Maxi is about to leave the farm .. he loved it but the boss is a BIT CH to work for , her other workers are leaving too .. she has no idea how to work any of the machinery , feed out or milk.. and kidding season is about to start. silly lady had driven away all her experienced workers.

TOH and I are now in the full swing of married life .. honeymoon period is over .. 

we do not argue , never have , but we say less to each other .. lol 

we sleep together .. but at different times .. I need to get to bed at 9 , he at midnight .. I wake up early , he sleeps in .. it works. 

we have been very fortunate to get away on a few weekend trips , camping in Waihi , and recently staying in Athenree in a bach for my brothers 60th. lovely family get togethers. 


Kids are waking .. time to move . 

back I promise






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June 25, 2013

Sounds great!

June 25, 2013

great to see another entry here. I grinned at your description of the married life now honeymoon period is over…lol. hugs p

June 25, 2013

Sounds all good then, great to see your offspring doing so well. Hugs…