Tme Poor


Read an entry of a Fav , this was his tital .. I thought I have time to read and not write .. so I will steal his title and his excuse ..

I am time poor ..

I am on my way to the Chicken farm today to see 3 day old chickens on a free range farm .. ohh how cute ..

TOH and I are doing well .. he is still looking for work , and is now out of money and sad as. It is very hard to watch. I have said women have done this for years .. got married and lost their incomes after having children , and have been stay at home spouses, doing all the housework , raising the children and the husband worked .. well lets just see it as that .. you just need to step up to the plate thats all. He does .. he washes and cooks and helps where he can.. so all good.

Farmer is back at work.. having visits and sleep overs with his ex .. not sure how I feel about that , she screwed him over .. hmmm

Wellington is coming up again and I am going to try and get away and have a quick catch up with him .. but it is on Date night .. hmm Outrageous Fortune ( tv program TOH and I watch together) or a chat , drink and a visit with Wellington ???

Kids are well ..

S and his girlfriend S ( have I told you about them .. will have to go back and have a look ) they both have the same name .. we call them  S (squared)  they are too cute .. and she is a darling.

Times up ..  back soon





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October 27, 2010

Time poor is a concept I understand well. And it vanishes even quicker as we get older….believe me. Enjoy the farm anyway….hugs P

October 28, 2010

the drink chuckles

October 28, 2010

OMG you can’t miss outragous it’s jusy starting to get better!!!! Tell Wellingotn to change his dates 😛

October 29, 2010

I think often it’s to do with our energy, where we want it to go, and we have to ration it I guess as we get older. Glad TOH and you are doing well.