still sore but …


I sat here last night and wrote an entry , read heaps and noted a few , I drank a bourbon or 2 and skyped with a friend and then my neice in OZ..

I had no idea what he was up to and didn’t care .. I was madder than a snake

after maybe an hour and a half , he walked in here , fresh faced , ( shaved ) showered and said , I am really sorry that I ruined your plans for tonight .. he kissed me and sat at his computer and played scrabble, did emails and facebook..

There was a little tension in the air .. I waited and said .. when have i ever said that you have done wrong ? that you were wrong? I have never said anything like that .. and that hurt too.

He said that he just felt that sometimes ..

We sat here side by side in the office .. both online and then my neice came online .. we chatted to her via a sing star mic .. lol .. a few bourbons had softened the tension and we laughed together ..

I was tired and didn’t realise that it was past midnight .. TOH was in the lounge watching the DVD that I had put on earlier ..

I kissed him and went to bed ..

This morning … all was forgotten ..

It still played on my mind.. but age and wisdom have taught me that it is not worth starting it up again and I will move on .. there will be other nights we can plan , and maybe we can talk at some stage about  " de breifing"  the days events , and how we will get over that. ..

I truly thought that he would just walk in and be so into it .. was a major learning curve.

C’est  la vie




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August 21, 2010
August 22, 2010

talking it through is the best way….then move on towards another day as you have. Hugs P

August 23, 2010

A learning curve for sure….I remember your weekend away and how romantic that was. Lots of stress around these days, and it’s good that you can work towards another night, another time…….