sideline business


I have had a wee idea now for a few months and nothing has been done about it in the public arena so I thought I would start it myself and ask my employers to help me out ..

Not going to go into it much but have been in touch with companies to get quotes on the work and so far it sounds ok , one more due in tomorrow ..

Its a sticker and sign thing .. about safety and topical.

Its all rather daunting .. TOH reckons I need to make a plan and go to my company with a 3 page document at least and then have samples to show them and maybe even register a business name .. sounds way to complicated for me, and not what I was planning .. I just thought I would get these things printed , and then distribute them .. maybe make a little money .. but thats when the tax man gets in on it I guess.

Oh well , lets see what the quote tomorrow comes in at , maybe the company will take it on .. and I can be the side kick Ideas man..

Walked again today with Maxi .. we did the same track as last week but backwards , was way better .. got the hills out of the way first up..

Saturday I was dressed up to go to the Fireworks show and I stopped at the bottle shop to get a few RTD’s to share and as I walked back to the van TOH says .. have you walked all week , I confessed to only walking 2 days and digging on the 3rd , explained that I had mum to collect and then drop off home so the last 2 days of the week had been filled with other stuff … he said , oh thats ok .. its just that you look like you have lost weight .. OMG  Bless that mans heart.. I don’t care if it is true or not , but that was sweet.

S is doing exams next week … Maxi this week.. so they have been studying and its been nice having less Tv and less computer useage.

Today we watched a huge swimming pool being craned over the top of a brand new home , one of my care kids best friends have built a new home and they had the pool added to the back yard today ..  Mum suggested that we go and watch .. I am so glad we did .. what an awesome experience , plus as I was there I was able to take photos and video that they would not have had as the crane company sent  one man and so did the pool company so both the men there had to help out.

The crane extended to at least the height of a four maybe five story building .. picked up the pool off the back of the truck , and then swung it back and over the house … the pool guy was running back and forth with a walkie talkie and talking to the crane driver , while the two friends (owner and his mate) held the straps and guided it to stop the swaying .. it was amazing .. and apparently it then had to be filled and then the sides back filled with sand all at the same top so it did not pop out of the hole.. amazing .

I was invited back this summer for a swim .. but I said I was much more interested in the walk in shower with the rain head and the corner spa bath.. hahaha. We’ll see.

Hope to get pics soon as it was not my camera.




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November 9, 2009

sounds like you have good schemes going on for you x

November 9, 2009

congrats on the weight loss!