Scary Scary Moment..w/edit pics

Fore note…. warning .. the pics are at the bottom of the page .. it is just bruising .. but pretty extensive.

Veiw at your discression

It all seemed to bizzare .. like something i had seen on TV.

We attended a birthday party for a little boy i care for .. he is 1 today.

Maxi ,  S and I rushed home from Soccer, showered changed and wrapped the present, and headed to the other side of town.

It was all going well and we were having a wonderful time, beautiful food and lots of it , the family is part  Filipino born in NZ and I had not tried some of their dishes before so was all very exciting.

I sat with a group of people , one lady and her husband .. she works in the office of the company i work for. We get on so well and were all sitting about laughing and chewing the The kids were playing with balls in the back yard and , My boys, were keeping all the smaller ones amused. So proud.

The lady from work had to take her nephew home and I said I’d leave too , but she asked me to stay and that she would be back as soon as .. it was all so nice in the sun , a drink, a chat and a laugh .. so I decided Ok .. we will stay a little while longer.

She got back and we carried on. .. alot of the babies went home or to bed and there was just a handful of bigger kids left , 10 to 14 year olds.

Some of the others had been there before so asked if they could all get in the spa pool .. Maxi and S came and asked me if they were allowed and I said yes .. in your boxer shorts, no mucking about..

They all went into the spa room .. on the back of the garage .. about 5 boys.

after maybe an hour.. there is this commotion in the spa room.. It sounds like a scream and a struggle and then another scream and My S comes roaring out of the spa room door .. …

I have been sitting on the grass area in the back yard for about 3 hours… my butt is numb.. my legs are threatening to cramp and I’m thinking we really must go .. Hearing the noise from the spa room and seeing S come out my first thought was .. Oh god one of the babies has got in there .. some ones having a seizure.. is there some one drowning?? ..then the words that S are screaming hit me …

Help Maxi has his stomach stuck in the filter of the spa pool .. hes stuck!!..

Then I heard the screaming of maxi..

I leapt up off the ground .. only to fall on my face with both legs going into calf muscle cramps.. I screamed at the people i was sitting with .. Help maxi he is stuck I can’t get there…

I get the the room and see maxi sucked to the side of the pool.. he was terrified as i was .. there were kids everywhere and no one knew how to turn the pool off.

I went and talked to him and said OK OK calm down we are trying to help .. it will be ok .. now let me look ..  

I could not believe what i was seeing .. but vaguely remember seeing something like this on TV.. some American emergency show ..

I dashed outside again to see the owner of the house come back around the side after saying goodbye to visitors .. I yelled Maxi is stuck turn the pool off .. he ran to the garage and pulled the plug and we rushed back to the spa.. Maxi was still stuck as the motor died and then POP…

OMG he leapt out crying and shaking and I hugged him and said lets go and get that checked mate .. he said yes please.. His tummy was all red and around the belly button looked like bright blood bruise..

All around me was chaos .. kids adults .. water .. blur ..

I grabbed up his shorts .. walked towards the house gave S the keys said open the car lets get maxi in it quick .. grabbed 2 towels and wrapped him up ..

As we walked to the car the lady I was sitting with and the mother and father of the birthday boy came with us .. they helped get him in the car .. said sorry a thousand times .. OMG they were so scared looking .. hardly their fault .. just  a freak accident .. .. Work mate looked me in the eye and said you OK ? do you need me to come to ?

I was fine .. I took some deep breaths .. and said mate .. I’m fine..

We went to the Accident and Emergency clinic in town . 8 min drive.

I parked .. walked in and saw the receptionist and said ..

Hi .. I’m going to cry …my hgshms gt hdg whaaa whaa,  sniff and he

She just looked at me and said bring him in and you can go straight in…

Did she even hear what i said .. I have no idea..

The nurse helps me get Maxi on to the table and by now his stomach looks like a dinner plate sized Love bite. It has sucked him in from the pubic bone to just below his tittys..and almost from side to side.

Dr came and checked and seems to think that all is ok .. no internal damage just bruising and will be stiff and sore for a few days.. she does a urine test and there is blood in the urine .. not visible but tested on a stick.. She said if pain changes or gets worse come back or straight to hospital.. otherwise come back tomorrow so she can check again .. we stayed for a bit and calmed down .. they were awesome .

pain was about 25 on a scale of 0… to 10 while sucked in .. then a 9 as we sat there.. and slowly down to a 6 then 3.

I lost it when Dino came in .. I had no money on me to pay them so called dino who was in town with mates .. he sped along on his bike and gave him mum a hug and paid the bill.. i cried and cried .. the adrenaline after math. What a wicked boy.. 🙂

We got home and gave maxi some loose PJ pants and a shirt .. gave him pain releif and now am about to check the cold press.. poor old sausage is in and out of tears .. his adrenaline was pumping too..

Even when you think its safe it isnt .. sheesh.

Now to try and get pics for the 21st cos one day i reckon we will laugh about this .. just not any day soon









Heres the photo from the day it happened…


And here it is 2 days later ..


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October 13, 2007

Wow that is a scary incident id be flippin the firk out too but your right one day u will come to laff about it thats how it usually works! P.S. I randomed you and i would like you to come check out my page i ….think im an inspired writer…. But you make that assumption. Stop By! Dueces!!!

October 13, 2007

Isn’t is great that this was just a little lesson and not a big one! will be something in future to look back on, some of these are permanent life changing, this is just a story teller. Go reaction on your and others parts, this is terrific and a celebration time. hugs around and have fun…dan

October 13, 2007

scary time alright, hope Maxi makes full recovery …big hug to you

October 13, 2007

whew! What a scary experience for all of you. Poor Maxi, poor you! Glad he is ok now but the memory will not go anywhere. My son had a similar experience when he was eleven and started being pulled through a culvert… he was torn badly by crusty shells but otherwise ok. Spa pools are not a place any children should ever be left unattended…. how come no adults were closer that you? And I hope the kids knew they should never put their heads under water in a spa pool either. Sending huge hugs to you both…. P

October 13, 2007

*huggs* I am so glad everything ended okay.

October 13, 2007

RYN: the nuts hang like cherries in a cluster. I have other friends who own a complete orchard of macademia nuts and am always fascinated by their development. Hope you’ve recovered from your scary ordeal. hugs P

October 16, 2007

gosh this is horrible it was awful to read I hope you are both okay now I think I would have gone straight to the hospital xx

October 17, 2007

OMG… this is every parents worst nightmare, their child is in danger and they can’t help….. I am so pleased everything turned out ok. Poor you…Big hugs.

I dont think i have EVER read something soo fast! I was ripping through this to see the end if he is ok…ohhhhh myyyyy goodness! I even stood UP to read it!!! I love you guys!!! I am sooo glad hes ok and your ok and all are ok….ahhhhh!!!!! Pamela

October 17, 2007

wow, that DOES look sore! Poor kid. Glad the outcome was good….and its true that one day you will laugh about it, but certainly not for some time. big hugs P

October 17, 2007

OW! Freak accident alright! That must be so sore when he bends!

October 18, 2007

OUCH!!! Poor belly!

October 18, 2007

this was really scary!! A girl drowned close to where I live when her hair got sucked under!! A lucky escape I think!