riding a Harley on a Bad road..



I have the hugest grin on my face .,.

I have just had the best belated birthday present EVER!!

It was organised in April for my birthday but due to weather problems, and busy days I could not collect..

Today I had a call from "Batman" who woke me up .. asking if I wanted to go for my bike ride for my birthday.


so an hour later , jeans boots leather jacket and a borrowed helmet I was on the back of my first Harley ride.

The thrill .. the throb, the noise…

The last time I was on the back of a bike was as a 16 yr old teen, and then I have riden only scooters .. 50cc and 125cc.. my bikes. the last bike I rode was Dinos 50cc scooter last year..

"Batman" took me to the Rangariri tavern for lunch..

The sun was shining, the roads were clear.. we travelled the back roads and on some straights hit 120kms.

He asked me if I was ok .. I grinned a stupid grin and said yes .. i can do that again .. he said great cos we have to go home soon ..lol then i leant across the table and said .. i hate to compare , but how was I??

He said I sucked ..rofl ..

I had trouble with left hand corners .. I was hesitant to lean with him and he felt it .. turning right was ok .. but no lefts ..

On the way home he asked that I relax.. just go with the flow .. and i did .. it was a much better ride for us both.

"Batman" is a friend of TOH’s and it was TOH that organised the ride for my birthday … "Batman" and I get on so well .. we have spent a number of nights together and laughed and I feel so comfortable in his company..

When he dropped me off home TOH was here and I just could not get the smile off my face ..

I want to do that again and again .. riding a Harley on a bad road .. lol and now I know how too.

What a rush.. and as I was sitting with the wind whistling through my helmet,  thought if this is the last thing I do .. I have had a wonderful time.. Iwill be happy.

I live to ride again ..

OH MY GOD.. not sure I will sleep for a while.



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September 21, 2008


September 21, 2008

Sounds like so much fun! I used to suck at riding on the back of bikes too, but now when I do it, I get so relaxed I can actually fall asleep. Even though I so totally shouldnt!!!

September 21, 2008

ryn: yeah! a beauty full cherry sleigh! i like your ride better though!

I want throbbing too! *pouts! 🙂 I am glad you had a wonderful time! 🙂 Pamela

September 22, 2008

wow, you did have a blast….I can see your smile from here! Last time I was on the back of a decent motorbike was in my teens too…when I dated a local ‘bikie’ for a year in Taranaki. Good for you….and thanks for sharing your delight.. hugs P

September 22, 2008

I’m very much a wuss – don’t like anything too big, too fast, too high, too deep……a real wuss. Glad you had fun though! Belated Happy Birthday.

September 23, 2008

So, which Batman was it? Christian Bale? Adam West? Michael Keaton? Val Kilmer? (Notice I didn’t say George Clooney. That’s because in my mind, he was never Batman. Just some guy who wore the outfit on occasion.)

September 23, 2008

Hey thanks for the smiley. I guess I needed to find a silver lining in all the badness. Things aren’t great, but a damn site better than they were. Guess we’ll see what the day brings. But for now life is good.

Dear Krud, Val and Micheal sucked as batman and NOT in a good way. Christian was the best Batman. 🙂 oooooooooooooooo if it was him I DEFF want throbbing LOL! love you kiwi!!! panzer (not signed in)

September 28, 2008

How cool is that :O) thanks for the note …I loved the look of those hats! :O) couldn’t find any for sales anywhere though …. D