rewind and erase

I wont go into to much detail ..

But erase the last entry from your memories.

Allycat told her Dad .. he in turn text bex and said congrats .. she said what for he said the baby she said what ???

Allycat text me said dads not playing her game and is mad as ..

I called Bec and said I hear your pregnant .. she says NO .. who told you that .. I said Sparky told all his work mates .. she is flabbergasted ..

No she not pregnant .. OMG no way .. and then …she drives to his work while i am talking to her and he sends me texts to say stay the hell out of our lives.

She sounds as confussed as me ,…. but then she is a great liar.. anyway she said she would call in on her way home .. yeah right !!!

Sparky sends another text and tells me to stop spreading the roumor that she is having a baby … that she is not .. and that his uncle .. my brother inlaw .. also his workmate .. should get his facts straight and find out the truth.**.

I tell ya my heads spinning..

Sigh.. does my son and his girl need professional help ?


**3 months ago Brother in law ..took sparky aside and said i heard a story around work .. is it true ? is becs pregnant.. Sparky said yes .. BIL kept quiet about it and waited for Sparky to tell me .. nothing was said within the family so BIL spoke to sparky again .. sparky said she was in hospital and bleeding and crying and no one was to touch her etc… BIL said .. you need to talk to her . thats your baby too , if she not well you need to be there for her .. etc..

BIL gave sparky 8 weeks to tell me .. and then said .. last chance .. you tell her or I will . Sparky said .. I will tell her when I am ready not when you tell me too .. BIL told my sister and she told me.

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October 29, 2007

drama- they love it and are spinning heads with it drop it immediatly and let them sort out their own stuff you are too kind for their rubbish huge huggs to you

October 29, 2007

Sell commercials and collect the money. Sounds too much like TV drama. find way to have fun…dan BTW you aren’t hurting your chances of finding a partner for this journey. Gma’s are cute too. funny, funny, funny

October 29, 2007

sounds like wishful thinking for some of them….maybe for you too? Sorry its not to be. smiles and hugs P

October 31, 2007

Ok I never heard about the pregnancy, ever. I swear! 🙂