Report time


Maxi and S had their reports posted this week.

I like that they get sent to me in the post.

Both did amazingly well .. and I was very pleased and praised them both,

This new school has been wonderful for S and I am glad that I never sent Maxi to the Boys High School that S , Sparky and Dino attended, he would never have fitted in.. and now see that maybe that was sparkys issue the whole time, I should have just changed schools instead of forcing him to conform.. hmm Hindsight.

The begining of the year S broke his arm , and his toe and was in hospital for days and off school for weeks .. he missed so much school that first term that he lost interest and when he went back the second term he got no extra help to catch up.

He was going to leave school he hated it.

I convinced him to attend the local school that Maxi was at and stick the year out .. his whole attitude changed and he picked up very quickly the lessons lost at previous school.

His report is full of teachers singing his praises.. how lovely he is , how good he had been , how they wished him the best for 2011, He received High distinction in Horticulture and that teacher wants him back next year. He is a natural in Drama and that teacher wants him to carry on with Drama studies.. he is a clown. . and always has us laughing , I find it hard to reprimand him.. cos he gives me goofy looks.. although if it is serious enough and I bark he stops and says I know , sorry Mum. ..

I was so pleased with Maxi’s report especially from that psycho PE teacher he had a run is with , she said that he had improved towards the end of the year and even gave him a most improved certificate.. she really mellowed out after I ran defence for him.

All his teachers were impressed with his work ,Maths he is highest in class , Hort is same .. English was above average and the only down was tutor group who said he was disruptive , but thats not a learning class and although I gave him the eye over that I remember that boring roll calling class and the nasty teachers we had there too ..

Very happy Mum ..



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December 17, 2010

Congratulation! You should be proud!

December 18, 2010

wonderful….you have every right to be proud and pleased. hugs P

December 18, 2010

awwww thats wonderful!!!!!

December 19, 2010

Awesome! Always a good thing to get good ones 🙂

December 25, 2010

Great report. Merry Christmas!