Pollys 3 questions…


1:   Describe your MOST memorable moment in life and how it has impacted on you.

There is more than just one very memorable moment .. I see myself walking down the grass isle to marry Ian .. the tears we both shed saying I Do.. and being in love. I wont rush into big life changing events now ..

The Birth of each of my children .. so thats 5 memorable moments.. the feeling of finding out I was pregnant with each of them too .. that was pretty magic. I have 5 wonderful , although at times challenging children.

Going to my very first Heavy Metal concert with TOH .. OMG .. a different lifestyle and a way different experience than anything I had done before. Opened my eyes to another side of life , let me accept that within my children and friends .. It is not as soul destroying as media makes out .. try it .. you may like it.

2:  Describe your innermost deepest personal dream or goal.

My biggest goal is to own a big house bus and travel this wonderful country.. I envisage stopping at my childrens homes dotted around the counrty,(when they leave home)  To travel back to the States and visit with Panzer and her awesome family and shoot up to Michigan to spend a few wonderful nights with soulmate. .. and eventually live there.

3:  How and why are you so different to the person you were 20 years ago….or not ?

I was naive.. at 20 I thought I was a whizzened up old hag .. that I had better take the first offer of marriage there was going as my life was almost over ..If I could do that 5 mins again I would say .. how about we hang out a bit longer .. But then I did fall in love with him .. although after a while it became habit, not love.

Parts of me have not changed much .. I still feel childish and imature and sing and dance like a goon .. I make inappropriate remarks outloud and I am embarrassed easily, but now I can usually come back with a retorical remark, instead of having to wait 3 days for something to come to me .. I would stew about comments made to me .. or wonder if people were talking about me .. insecure .. now not so much .. and if they are all power to them .. cos i don’t give a shit .. much.

I still want to help all that ask for my help , spreading my self far and wide and doing all I can to make anyone and everyone feel like they are thought of and made comfortable. I over comit.. I stress.. all the things I did back at 20.

ahhh bourbon .. my truth serum.

On a totally different subject ..

MMM called me .. and we chatted till his phone died.. Ohh wow.. then we chatted online for about an hour or so .. I love that man ..

No Pam I am not all Gaga again ..lol ( just a little Gaga) .. not much changed in the way we feel .. just the timing sucks. Both with young families. anyway all forgiven and all sweet.

One day .. one day.

Ummmmm … worked long and hard this week .. and then had a very easy Friday .. you’d think i would have been in a great mood but … one little sod made me cross and I’d just about had enough of this job .. heck .. I need this long weekend.. 3 dasy of nothing much and I should be right as rain.

Have a wicked long weekend here in NZ .. Happy birthday to the Queen ..(even tho her real Birthday is on April 21)





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May 29, 2009

you have a fun one too :O) though going to be cold … D

May 30, 2009

dance like a goon? heheh….me too! lol I also love the housebus idea….did do a smaller version several years ago in a little campervan….ahhh – the freedom!!! I hope you get to do that someday. Thank you for doing this survey……although I doubt if I could ever sit through a Heavy Metal concert….. smiles and hugs P

May 30, 2009
May 30, 2009
May 31, 2009

🙂 Glad you guys talked, glad to hear all is well. hugs! panzer