Plans and lifestyle



I have changed my life.

I gave up drinking alcohol, I stopped eating processed foods, No white flour , sugars, sausages ,dairy, processed meats, crackers , biscuits, crap.

I eat whole foods , real meat , vegetables and salads. Live yoghurt, seeds, nuts , and I do not eat Carbs with fats.

I lost 10 kg in 4 weeks.


I am full , not bloated, I am energetic, not lethargic. I am not hungry .. I am not starving myself. I do not feel that I am missing out .. and when i have " Cheated" , those foods that I ate before , made me ill.

Zoe Harcombe you have changed my life.  Stop counting calories and start losing weight is the name of her book and it makes so much sense. My sister gave it to me as TOH had said he wanted to loose weight before our wedding next year , he said he didn’t like the look he was in wedding pics .. and I said to my sister that if he was going to be skinny I better get my head around it too.

I had aches and pains , I was tired , I was non functioning. I was heavy. heading for depression  because of it. I had the book a year .. looked at it and said yeah not another diet.

But one day I picked it up and read a chapter and she had written about me ..

Anyway .. thats where I am. loving it , and loving being 2 dress sizes smaller.

Plans for Allys Birthday secret surprise are coming along well.

I have one week left to keep the secret, lets hope everyone plays along.

Allycat was tearful and upset about 3 months ago, worried that at 25 she was not at a place in her life that she should be, that her friends were all doing what they wanted and she was still at tech , still a student and living with Aunty and working part time at the supermarket. Her "boyfriend" had left on a 2 yr OE without so much as a goodbye, it was not a real full on relationship due to the fact that he was going , but they never saw anyone else for the last year and she has been on and off with him for 4 years. its complicated. Then her BEST friend left also to live in the UK , after a contiki tour of the States.

Poor Allycat.. she was a mess. I decide then that I would do something wicked for her birthday .. bring her up to speed with her friends .. all travellers .. Allycats not been in a plane, never travelled not without family or school and just beach trips with girlfriends .. so I rallied the family and got together $400.   My plan was to buy her air tickets to Wellington , ( our Capital ) where an old school friend lives. give her spending money and send her on her way for a week.

So that she would take time off work and tech for a few days , I suggested to her that her and I take a trip ,, that Wed thurs fri were quiet days for me and I would be able to find care for the kids and her and I could go visit with an Aunt at the beach .. shop and laz about , heck we might even be able to go to Waiheke .. I made this week with me sound super exciting. she jumped at it and we made plans for the time off .. the week after her 25th birthday.

I misssed cheap flights from Grabaseat, but still got a deal and have return tickets for $200. I have pressie card Visas with $200 and Mum threw in some extra cash.

She didn’t want a party but at 25 it was something worth celebrating so we are going to have drinks at the local bar, everyone will just pop in and out and  will buy her a drink and I’ll have a few platters. And thats when I will give her the tickets,

I am making a travel wallet , a cardboard folder and have taken some photos from her friends facebook of the flat that she is in , the view from the window and of the few attractions I know she will love , also added a pic of her friend as the host. An accommodation brochure.

TB( wellington friend) has been awesome ,, we have been facebooking plans for the last month.

She has a Pandora charm bracelet and so I will buy her a charm of an aeroplane. I have told her that charms are to depict a part of your life so the plane will be because she works at the airport in duty free.. hahaha NOT!! I am so excited..

Roll on Friday the 12th August







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August 6, 2011

What an awesome surprise!! I can’t wait to hear how she reacts!! 🙂 Must get that book, lol. That’s such an amazing change, wow! Go you!

August 6, 2011

first of all a big congratulations on your weight loss and health kick…..I know its not easy but you did it!!! Yay!!! I hope you do get to Waiheke…..remember I have moved again now so if you want to connect call first and I’ll give you new address. Its better than the last. I am away down south from 11th-18th but home after that. big hugs, and smiles on all your changes and surprises. Havefun. P

August 8, 2011

RYN: yes, very exciting!! Although, Alister is excited for the co pilot thing the most! He’s enjoyed teaching Ella how to plane spot, but these things are different with a daddy and his son!! 🙂 Very cool.

August 22, 2011

Congratulation on the your new life! I am happy for you!