Party Crashers


My neices Father in law was 60 and held a small party last night at his home ..

He is a lovely man and Neice always said that she wished him and I could of got together .. lol he is nice and in another life I probably would have worked on that .. honest!!

Anyway she and hubby came down for the weekend and spent the afternoon here yesterday before the party , they told us that they had gone shares with other family members , and bought a tandem skydive for FIL.. something on his bucket list ..

I thought to be hilarious ( cos I am ) that TOH and I would crash the party and give him a small gift ..

Neice and Hubby thought that was a great idea..

After babysitting the neighbours daughter for 3 hours *

we set off at 9.30 to crash this party .. lol

Neice and hubby met us at the gate and let us in .. we scoured the room and saw him outside .. so bee-lined .. lol all the guests dressed nicely looked at us and I could just see their minds ticking … ohhh who are these two?? .. apart from being approx 15 yrs younger than anyone there we were not dressed to the nines..

Party Boy grabbed me in his arms and planted a big kiss right on my lips .. Ohhh I am so glad you came .. lol I said   "  Honey .. we crashed your party ".. He was all "NO way you are always welcome here" … anyway I passed over the present and turned to see TOH stumble through the crowd with a beer ..( we didn’t bring drinks as we were not intending on staying ) he had been handed one by a stranger .. lol

Party Boy opened the card and had a giggle ..   funny birthday card the words I forget now but something to do with not expecting an expensive gift… ripped open the gift and roared with laughter at a  toilet roll and wet wipes … then saw the underpants and waved them about .. roaring with laughter and grabbing me for a hug .. the party stopped and looked at these two late commers who had the host in stitches and some ventured for a closer look .. not all saw the funny side.. noses in the air some ladies returned indoors..

Just a little something for after your skydive..

We stayed for a drink , on his insistance .. and low and behold once the room cleared a little we both found people that we knew there .. never once thinking that anyone we knew would know Party Boy .. funny how that happens.

After about an hour we said our goodbyes and left .. just as we had arrived.

What a hoot.




*(this is the first time I have meet the daughter ( I have seen her from across the street) .. she is nearly 12 , special needs. She has Cerebral Palsy and some other condition , she crawls , can walk with a walker , and speaks 3 words , Mum , Dad and No , none of which I heard last night. She waves her arms about and blows raspberries alot .. but she is totally beautiful , had the most attractive eyes, and huge big smile and an infectious giggle. She was born prem at 7 months. Sadly Mum and Dad are also special, I think mentally delayed ( slow) is all. They live with family but it was a special birthday celebration down the street and the little girl does not handle crowds and all the family and usual sitters were there , so as a last ditch effort to go to the party Mum asked me , her and I chat often, and I have told her of my past work with special needs kids at school and training with CP kids at Conductive Education, she said I was the next person she would trust. We had a blast. )


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July 18, 2010

What a hoot! Sounds like birthday boy really appreciated seeing you 🙂

July 18, 2010

RYN: I didn’t email sorry…but did put info here in a recent entry of yours. Books are $12 each, there are two different ones. They’re wonderful. Every day poetry for every day kids…all stuff they will identify with. And glorious illustrations too. Let me know and I can send them on wednesday when at PO. I have your address. hugs P

July 18, 2010


July 18, 2010


July 19, 2010

RYNote. I rote this entry in something of a hurry on the night before my Manchester trip, and as you rightly noticed my muffed naming of RockyÂ’s breed, I had intended to Lab rather than Lad, the delights of a partly dyslectic mind; when I was a school it was called lazy! Thankfully I enjoy reading and my righting here on OD, thanks for the note, a little editing here and there always helps.

July 20, 2010

RYN; thanks…will post off tomorrow. hugs p

July 20, 2010

watch the mail…its on the way. hugs and thanks P

July 21, 2010

those are the best kinda parties 🙂

August 2, 2010

Ryn: Thanks for that. I realise I’ve been stereotyping the police and they are people just like the rest of us. Doctors and nurses use humour in the same way, and become very used to things that other people would find horrible and sometimes gruesome.

Love your sence of humor!! Glad you had a good time hugs~ Panz