Overdue update ..


Bullet points seem the way to go .. with a little info if required.

* TOH job going well , he’s loving his new work line . " let me fill your crack"  working for smilth and smith as an auto glassier. (sp)

* It is neraly Christmas , S and Maxi are on school holidays. Under my feet.

* 3 of my care children have had the Chickenpox.. one is off now with them another off with vomiting.

* I am tired.

* I am working through this year , only stst days off for me .. and as Christmas and Boxing day are Sat and Sun one of my care parents thought I was working Mon and Tues , so took hours at her work and booked both her boys into care with me .. I had to call on my VT ( Visiting teacher) and get her to sort that out .. those are the only days I am getting off. Usually I have 2 weeks off but as I have carried TOH this year my funds are low.

* sexy new hair cut

* not attending the gym. I just can not get motivated or find the time .. I have families that work in the retail sector so they are doing all sorts of odd hours.. this in turn means I am also. starting at 6.30am first children arrive and finishing at 6. 45 pm when the last one leaves.. then it is a turn around to cook and clean and get the place back to home again. I flop on the couch and zone out ..

* Mirena is odd.. I spot for 14 days .. or I get nothing for weeks then bleed for 8 days. Moods are wicked , no chocolate cravings or chippie munchies , but weight is up ..

* last blood test showed Ferritin levels were 42 .. thats up from 4( yes four) back in May June.. it was a long slog to get here.

*Thyroid support group I helped start is meeting monthly and doing well.  Next meeting wed. night. I feel that my thyroid issues need to be sorted again , I don’t feel that the meds are doingt he right job. I am still very fuzzy headed, and maybe that will contribute to the weight gain. ..

* I am unhappy with weight gain .. not so much with the weight but the body shape. that extra chin is not working for me. I will not eat lettuce and tuna ONLY like I have in the past. I have cut back meat intake , I have upped the vege portion. I do not snack on chippies or biscuits ( I never really did anyway) I eat 3 meals a day, have fruit and lots of water..   apart from the exercise side of things .. I feel I am doing everything else right.

* I am buying Allycat Sparky  Dino Em and TOH tickets to the BDO for Christmas. Maxi and S do not want to come .. S wants to go camping with his Girlfriend S and so needs the camp fees and the bus or gas money to get there .. Maxi wants a new mp3 player after his one went in the wash.

* had a pamper day at a friends baby shower, therapists came to her home with all they needed to pamper us girls , of course we had to pay for it but wow it was awesome and cheaper than a salon.  I had a mini mani, a mini facial , a brow shape and a lash tint.. I was a hog!!!  and I deserved it.

* Looking forward to bed tonight .. is that wrong seeing as I have only been out of it since 6am and it is 10 now.

* Meeting up with Farmer Steve this weekend for a picnic .. he has recovered so well from his heart surgery.. he is busy as , and not at all tired.

* Still have the cough , deep hacking sometimes phlegmy, sometimes tickly .. sometime i sound like precious Pup.. its been 4 weeks. cough fart pee. the ultimate multi tasker.  I am not the only one with this , Wellington now has it . along with sinus issues, I never had any of that , or any other cold / flu symptoms.. just the cough.

* Its been a year since TOH moved in .. seems like forever. in a good way. we are co habitating well.

* I am not sure I want to marry him the way he wants to marry me. I want something quiet.. he wants the big horrah!! I do not want to walk down an ailse, in front of all our friends and say all that gushy stuff .. I do not want to cry in front of anyone and I know I will. Must bring that up again with him.

Time to go now .. Have a safe and happy week

and just a final word .. I did this for you .. you know who you are.

Ohh and to an Aussie mate .. thank you for the Choc and card. lol arrived this morning flat as.. lol but still tasty.




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December 13, 2010

got a sexy new haircut myself…lol Glad to hear you were firm about having thos days off….it is throwing things out for a lot of folks with the stats being over the weekend. Rest while you can…let the family do the Christmas preparations and cleanup. hugs P

December 13, 2010

Take care. So good to hear the ferritin is up (I’m taking iron, mine was 6, and man was I tired).

December 14, 2010

Ryn:You had to have the ducts removed? Wow, I’d like to hear your story. Take care.

December 16, 2010

Ryn: Look forward to it.

December 16, 2010

Ryn: Look forward to it.