Online scrabble


I wonder if you can be addicted to it ..  online scrabble that is.?

I have 3 games going at the moment.

It takes me maybe a week or longer to play a game, just popping in when I can and playing my turn.

I had a game with fellow ODer Rocky, he won , but he taught me some tricks , and since then I have won 2 games.. heehee.

I used to go for the words , the bigger the better , but really it is about points, and lots of small words bring in the big points.

Of course I still like the idea of throwing in a few rarely used words or those with a z in the middle just to keep it interesting . and I am looking up words on the dictionary with the game to see if they work so am learning too ..

Did you know that in South African Slang , Zol is a cannabis ciggarette??

that filled in a gap nicely made me about 20 points for an o heehee.

Today is Hip Hoppers, dance and movement group at local church , with morning tea provided.

Kids love it , and we sing nursery rhymes and songs all the way home , each term we learn a new set .. and do a couple of old favorites.


I can not get over the fact that it is November already and that it is nearly the end of November to boot,

This weekend is my nephews 21st in Waihi..

The following weekend nothing then December , 5th is my nieces hens night ,  and so it begins the madness.

Work closes 23rd Dec, reopens 11th Jan.

I am off camping from the 26th Dec and back 3rd to start work with a child/ friend of the family who can not handle Alternate care and whose parents can not take time off work. I managed to get a week in. Normally we would have come home the 4th anyway ..

I wanted this year to have an extra week off to relax , but I think with one kid (and still getting paid) I can sleep in till 8 , and still pop out to the shops , and get the gardens done.

and we can go swimming ,

Right , getting my game face on .. and my dance shoes.



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November 16, 2009

I resist playing games online as believe they definately could be addictive….but I love scrabble and recently bought a good second-hand box set to hopefully play when my family visit in 4 weeks. Swimming? You are still hopeful that summer is coming then? I have almost given up on it. hugs and smiles P

November 16, 2009

Definitely addictive, I’ve played 49 games now! xx

November 17, 2009

ryn, it’s gonna be fun, can’t promise pics though!