One Mother safely delivered


Mum stayed all day today , she chose for me to take her home over the bus trip back to Raglan .. she missed the first bus anyway by the time she got out of bed this morning , and then realised that the only other bus was the school time one .. ohhh with all those giggly school girls and her big suitcase .. nahhh !!!

Lets have Fish and Chips from the Wharf fish shop..

Oh My Goodness , I am never having Fish from the local takeaways again .. I am spoilt to them , I only want fresh fish , Gurnard to be exact, and those crispy chips.. Yummy

I have yet to water my plants this evening .. must do that soon ..

and tomorrow night plant the corn .. sheesh the week has got away on me .

Family fun Fireworks display in Ohaupo tomorrow night , should be a good night there is always so much to do , carnival atmoshere, then fireworks.

Ugggg tired beyond all ..

Off to water plants and sleep.


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November 6, 2009

Hope you have a good rest tonight.

November 6, 2009

real fresh fish can only be enjoyed from shops actually in coastal towns….I learned that ages ago. Best ones I have ever tasted ( aside of my island fish of course) was at Kaikoura, and also in Thames Estuary villages. Glad your mum enjoyed her visit. hugs P

November 7, 2009

Get some good shuteye!