OK .. heard it all

I was reading a fav.. and the associated notes , when I came across something that was just to hard to believe.

Van Morrison has a song out titled Ringworm..

I just did a quick search and came up with the lyrics and an mp3… its on the cover of my diary ..lol .. check that out.


it wont be there forever , but I had to listen to this .. yep .. its true.

I might see if that was a number one anywhere?? doubt it.

Maybe his ex girlfriend at the time had  ringworm .. and she’d always wanted a song written about her .. he was high at the time and thought heres a good subject for song lyrics .. OMG who knows.

Are you back from the front page of my diary ?? what do you think ??

Anyway .. on another note, we all good ..

Panz called me today about an earthquake reported to be in NZ .. 8.0 on the scale .. surely we felt that , it was actually 1000ks of the North East coast of NZ in the Kermadec Islands.. .. may have been felt on the east coast but not by me .. she knew about it before I did anyway, funny as she is in CA   USA. I love that she listens out for stuff that affects us here.. and worries .. Love ya Panz

Am trying to get another bike ride .. not working so well .. lol

Sunday was the start of a new bus service here in "Hamiltron"… sunday service .. nice .. and to launch it they were all free for the day.

Maxi and S and I jumped on the bus about lunch time … went to town .. mooched about .. had lunch at a cafe on the sidewalk .. in the sun. Caught another bus to a mall on the other side of town. Checked out some airfares to Perth.. have been invited to a 40th there next Spet. Might be getting another job .. airfares alone are over $1000.00

Caught another bus this time heading home .. stopped off outside my sisters house , had 15 mins before the next bus that took us to our street … chatted at the gate , then the boys re read the timetable.. ahhh we had it wrong .. it was 15 mins till the bus back to town .. an hour till our bus home .. Doh!!!

We popped inside , had a look at some of the stuff she had bought on her recent Canada holiday ..

As we were heading out the door we saw the bus coming and decided it would be easier to catch this one to town and then the next one home .. lol hey it was all free so whatever…

At my sisters house we are a 20 minute walk to home .. the bus was a 45 min ride ..lol to town and back again.

We got home at 6.30pm.

What a cool day.


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September 29, 2008

Cool day kc, free buses too. Maybe ringworm is something to do with mobile phones! Never felt any shudders here at 4 am, xx

September 29, 2008

Shame I wasn’t there for the free buses, B’s been asking me to take him on a bus. I didn’t realise you were in the Tron too. Wana meet some time, have coffee or a drink?

September 29, 2008

how weird is that? Ringworm. How could anyone find suitable lyrics or even a tune for such a subject? Mind you, Van Morrison is pretty talented. I didn’t feel any earthquake either, and Waiheke is on the east side. Maybe I slept through it…its the pills you know….LOL hugs P

September 30, 2008


September 30, 2008

Hah, Ringworm? Well…I guess they say art mimics life.

October 1, 2008

ryn…yessss I can just see you kidless in the LL, saving the world with Polz and our motley crew!

October 2, 2008

That song all but screams out, “I’m making this up as I go along, but you’ll listen to it anyway, because I’m just that awesome.”

October 2, 2008

Ryn: Well, as far as I can tell. He seems genuine. But then I’m not known for being good at judging theses things. Maybe you can meet him and see what you think? lol!

October 4, 2008

Yep panz is in Cali yelling in her cell phone to her husband EARTHQUAKE WHAT!!!!!! says bye and hangs up to call Kiwi and hear…what earthquake? ROFL! love you moreeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! yep yep!