Oh Good Lord.. Advice welcome..


While searching on the computer for timesheets that I thought I’d saved under a certain name and date , I came across some MSN chat logs of my sons.. now .. the "good mother" that I am I often check his phoen , Bebo accounts and chat logs and remind him of the correct way to talk to people , ask him not to speak like that , not to use that language etc .. what ever , so i though this would be fairly clean friendly writings.

Ohhh was I in for a shock.

My 15 yr old son .. shake my head .. is not very nice online.

Swearing , using rude language .. talking to girls about sex , web camming, asking for flashes, .. then talking to boy mates about what the girls said..

After reading 2 messages .. half way each .. seeing all the emoticon pic .. and the personalised ones you can add to this new MSN Plus.. I was horrified and went off.. porn .. pure porn.. sex scenes.. naked women.. close ups .. shudders.

I asked what he thought he was doing ? saying ? and what i the other persons mum came into the room and saw that read that .. ???

That I was dissapointed in the way he spoke to girls .. 

What a PIG!!!

I told him that Bebo , Facebook, MSN and his phone would be removed / or limited and I would be checking daily not weekly / monthly on the activity.. that I would be calling the mothers of the 15 yr old girls and boys he was chatting to and sharing this information if I EVER saw this activity again  . and then sent him to bed.. OMG

I carried on and read a few more .. 3 but they are all the same ..

I am horrified that I have let this slip through the cracks .. to the point it has got this far .. I have sat and watched his chatting and it was all about sports , school , tv programs , music .. inoccent so i thought .. must have been  fake.

ohhh gee..



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February 10, 2009

Does seem a little ‘excessive’. At his age the sex thing is bound to be there …the trouble with the internet is that the Social controls aren’t there and so such actions are unchecked…….. However some calm reasoning is probably all he needs :O) easier said than done though i guess D

February 11, 2009

I would restrict him – tough love makes for an easier life’ xx

February 11, 2009

I said some just awful things when I was younger. I was ignorant. Maybe some trips to places that would teach him the ‘truth’ about the other side of rape, single parenthood, drugs dependency. Not that he is destined for this but that the mind can contribute to this on a greater basis when tossed into the whole of mankind! Redirect his thoughts to care of others and himself. away from selfgratific

February 11, 2009

Went too long, however I do believe that this is a wonderful kid that will do great things in his life. How could he not with you as his mom!!! Be well and have fun…dan

February 11, 2009

you did good to talk to him about your concerns and disgust. Have faith in yourself as a mum to help him change direction of thought, but it is fairly common behaviour for teens of that age. No excuses of course, but he is not rare in this behaviour. Hang in there…and good luck. hugs P

February 11, 2009

Yep, sounds pretty typical of a 15 year old boy. Still totally innappropriate for him to be saying those things and acting that way. Hopefully he’ll grow out of it – especially if he knows you don’t approve.

February 22, 2009

You did the right thing with your son. I thinking of my own 2 sons…I wonder if they were like that too…for I’ve never check that activities online. With both of them study aboard, there’s so little I could know about them.

Everyones replys fit mine so i dont have much to say…except to say you are a great mom and doing the right thing. 🙂 Password lock the computer so he cant do that when your gone. *winks* Habbits take only a few days to start up…it takes months to stop them. love you!!!!! Panzer