no room at the inn



Oh well .. after Christmas I hope to get more stuff sorted and put away , but at the moment I am too busy with the preperations and keeping the house tidy and running.

I have 7 children here .. TOH has 4 and a friend and my 2..feeding and cleaning them is the biggest challenge. Luckily S is away every day at work.

TOH has been a huge help.. folding washing and getting the kids to put away , making sure beds are made and dishes done.

But I want some space .. a quiet time for me .. and as its holidays here bedtime is when ever .. so last night ( our usual date night ) we spent it on the couch with a bottle of wine our fav program and 2 of his kids .. I was annoyed was after 9.30. thats my time .. so after Christmas .. after camping .. when we get into a better routine .. after 9pm will be my time .. and there will not be children in the lounge watching adult content programs. Too bloody bad.. good night.

I have had litttle computer time also .. I sneak in at dawn before the care kids arrive .. I am too tired at the end of the day when they are in bed .. so sorry OD friends you have missed out .. I have missed all you and your lives .. I am trying to catch up slowly .

Christmas day breakfast here ..

Christmas day lunch at Mums in Raglan ..

Christmas day afternoon tea at TOHs Mums Huntly

then home here to chill out for the evening .. (yeah right)

Boxing day 26th Dec .. I am packing out and going camping , just me Maxi and S.. and maybe Sparky.

30th Dec my neice gets married in Tairua.. so Allycat.. her man AJ, Dino and EM , TOH and 3 of his kids will come to the camp site and stay over night .,TOH may stay on a few days if he has the cash.

We stay at the camp site till the 3rd .. and I start work again the 5th.. I wanted to have that week off also , but care kids that do not handle alt care are hard to deal with and I have a little guilt.. ohhh its only a couple of days and only 1 child .. then the others heard I was back and  they wanted their child in with me too .. so i have 2 instead of 4.. and they will play well together so it will be a supervisory role ..

Anyway ..

The children and I adopted a family here in hams this year .. provided food for Christmas day and gifts for all the family.

It was awesome to see my older children involved .. and next year we will help out a few smaller families. we will start gathering the food and gifts earlier..

Movie vouchers and clothing vouchers 

I hope my family this year has a wonderful day, we had an awesome time making the parcel.

I hear children and it is time to get moving ..

Have a wonderful Christmas all of you ..

Take care and I will be back after the new year and my camping holiday..




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December 22, 2009

just enjoy them all for now…..and your Christmas together. We will still be here to catch up with afterwards. hugs P

December 23, 2009

sounding like you need a holiday from it all already lots of loving hugs

December 23, 2009

Have a wonderful Christmas my friend, sounds really full on. Think of us islanders having to make tough decisions every day, like….which beach do we swim at today? !!

December 24, 2009

RYN: Yes, it’s great to give back. I hope you have a great day and that the camping is relaxing. Take care.