No Mo for this Jo

I am useless at this writing thing .. I swear i am here everyday reading and noting and then run out of energy or time to write my stuff .. and after reading what you all have to say .. sheesh .. mine pales .. Unless it’s been a wicked weekend of concerts and stuff..

So today .. I took 3 kids to the lake with their bikes , ride on scooter types and a scooter .. and we were all prepared for a jaunt around the lake .. I satrted at Innes Common.. there are nice toilets there and a playground .. I am into nice toilets .. I just shudder at having to take little tikes to a manky loo.

Well we headed off and about ..ohhh 200 metres into it .. they were stuffed .. can we stop I don’t want to ride any more .. lol good cos it was slow going and I was hot .. not a cloud in the sky .. not a breath of wind .. and walking slower than a snail..

Oh well all good intentions .. so we sat on a park bench and watched baby ducks and their parents duck and dive at the waters edge.. after a 10 min rest .. we sauntered back to the car .. stopped at the tunnels .. had a run around and then buckled in.

I called into see one of the other educators that works with me .. she had 4 kids today and was just feeding babies and making scones .. my kids all joined in the play and watched tele for a bit , built towers mucked about while Wenz and I sat and gulped tea and gossiped..

It was awesome .. and then the rush to get home on time for a kid pick up .. whos parents are always late .. but today were on time and I was late .. " Murphys Law" why ???

Saturday .. I cleaned out the Garage .. found a lot of stuff , chucked a lot more and played some old vinyl records and danced in the space I had made ..

I love it in there it is cool and spacious… and the kids don’t like to watch me dance so its my space.

After the major clean up I ran a bath and lay in there for ages unwinding and thinking.. destressing .. mud facial .. shave.. luxury !!!..

Allycat asked me to dye her hair for her I did that and then realised I had half a bottle unused from a while ago when I put highlights in my hair .. so Allycat did mine..

Eeeeeekk Black blue .. I knew what I was doing but it still freaked me out when I saw it for the first time..and the few days used to it now tho .. and loving it.

Am nearly all ready for camp .. well I have all the equipment .. tent beds chairs blankets ..

need beach towels … food .. more water .. drinks .. petrol vouchers…

and have just been told that 2 kids are leaving next week .. one is 12 hrs … one is 18 hrs .. thats 30 hrs @ $4.30 an hr .. you do the math.. belts tighter please everyone ..

I wanted to cancel Christmas this year.. .. the camping trip can be my present to everyone .. but my neice has been a little beaver all year and has filled Christmas stockings for everyone .. stocked up on food and money for fresh stuff , bought awesome gifts for the boys .. all around the camping theme .. she just loves it .. and as we are her only family and she never had real christmas celebrations with her family .. she craves the real family get together  and closeness..

we have a clean up day christmas eve .. all prep done all floors cleaned etc.. then sit down to dinner .. and a few drinks .. and play some silly dumb games that cause fights and laughter .. it is always a wonderful thing to watch .. all my kids playing together .. something they will all remember .. traditions.

Then Santa comes late late at night .. and in the morn they all run about the house yelling shhhhh don’t wake mum

We have a big breakfast feast .. BBQ bacon eggs sausages hash browns fruit cereal and croissants with ham and cheese .. it normally just goes on all day.. we go out and do something .. play at a park or watch movies .. and have friends pop in and out.. all day long we opened gifts .. one each .. when the kids were younger that lasted right up till about 8.30 at night.. it really is an awesome day and the more I write about it I know I could never but heck it’s tough.

anyway .. better get to bed now .. another 6 am start in the morn ..




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November 10, 2008

I like reading about your day. It was a great day to be out today, wasn’t it? RYN: Yep, great day.

November 10, 2008

‘manky loo’ those are the phrases that warm my heart! I just love to read around the world. And know that there isn’t a hairs breadth of difference between us all. I just love being here. And I will write again. I am just enjoying the peace and quiet for a while. Kinda got overloaded in the election crap. be well and have fun…dan

November 11, 2008

wow wish we lived in the same city I’d pop around to your place for Xmas day, I’d love to have a big family xmas, your niece has the right idea BTW I’m like you I come in evryday and read and leave notes but I never have the motivation to write

November 12, 2008

sounds like e nice lake outing but I know how hot Hamilton can be this time of year, without fresh sea breezes. Laughed about your black/blue hair….did mine that colour once, many decades back, and know the feeling of shock horror!!! Hope tomorrow things rock for you…hugs P

November 12, 2008

I love christmas traditions. 🙂

November 13, 2008

How could you think of cancelling X’mas? It sounds so much fun.

November 14, 2008

i IMAGINED THE lake as you were writing it- it was as if I were there chuckles

CANCEL CHRISTMAS!!! GOD IN HEAVEN NO! Its about time you shaved (giggles) Oh and no more being hard on yourself about your writings, I love to come in and read you so write more. HA! Love you heaps!! panzer

ps…can you send out advertisments on two more kids? 🙂