my new flatmate..


Its official ..

TOH has moved in .. fully

He is pottering like an old woman .. I said it was his place too so make yourself at home ..

there are posters and pictures going up all over the place ..

Razors on the vanity in the bathroom( they’ll have to go , care kids will be cut to shreds)

beer in the fridge

and the toilet seat was up


For those that are new , and those that have forgotten ..

TOH has 4 children .. 3 he has shared custody of 50/50 week on week off

and then his youngest at this stage will be staying with his mum( a seperate relationship from the ex wife) but will come alt weekends.

The eldest Edna.. 14.. Corb.. 12… Aid.. 10 and Roar 7.

I only have Maxi 14 and S 16 living at home at the mo, so we all fit ..

Edna has a room in the garage .. all very cool.

Maxi has 2 sets of bunks in his room .. S has his own room.

I’m sharing too …

There will be a settling in period ..

I will tell you about it.

Thank you for the congrats for Maxi .. I am chuffed.

better go .. heaps to do .. cleaned TOHs old place today so mine is a mess ..

oh and getting used to calling it  OUR house .. shudders


This was taken by me at the Stage Door of the Auckland Town Hall where we waited to me the Band members from Lamb of God .. last  Wed night

And we did ..




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December 12, 2009

so I guess every alternate weekend you will also have 3 extra kids to look after….so much for weekends off! *smiles*. I am glad TOH makes you happy though…thats the main thing. But you’ll have to get tough about the toilet seat. Maybe you can get him to google toilet seats/lids and hygiene…. you’ll be amazed at what turns up!! ( I did a Toastmaster speech on the subject a few years ago…areal eye-opener for many). keep smiling. hugs P

December 12, 2009

ps…I also meant to comment on the cute pic!!!! hugs again P

December 13, 2009

Wondering if one of your fav bands is CROWDED HOUSE !!

December 13, 2009

when all the kids move out one day you and TOH won’t know what to do with yourselves you’ll have so much spare room

December 13, 2009

is that taho?

December 14, 2009

Love that pic! You look sooo happy there mate. That makes me happy! 🙂 Love ya!

December 15, 2009

WoW! That is a huge household! I hope it all goes smoothly. You are one brave girl! I love the photo too, it’s gorgeous.