my my how time flies

We have been so busy ..

TOH made a date for the move… Loosely  in November.

its a start.. and its before the end of the year


I met an old work mate online .. on  Old Friends  he had joined years ago as did I and I knew he was on the old work site from when I was a teen .. 17/ 18 maybe ..I’d added him as a friend but never made contact…   he changed his status and info and I got an email from the site to let me know this . I decided to contact him and just say Hi ..

we worked together and hooked up a few times before his OE ( Overseas Experience) that was to take him to England and Europe for about 2 years….. after he left I started to go out with Ian and then we got engaged , married and had Allycat.. all within a very short space of time .. maybe a year. Before Ian and I moved back to Hamilton  ( I was about 6 mths pregnant) I had a call from CH.. he was back from his OE and wanted to catch up.. I told him I was married and pregnant . he still came around to visit . . I was embarrassed and a little devastated that I had moved on so quickly .. he was back for good.. and wanted us to make a go of things ..


Anyways … back to the future.. I emailed him a quick Hi .. remember me ??? .. wow .. its been a long time … Hows things what ya doing  .. etc that sort of thing..

He wrote straight back .. I mean literally straight back.. and we have emailed , text, and chatted online every day since. EVERY DAY!!

Its been awesome .. catching up remembering old friends , parties , places ..hmmm

His job at present has him living from a suitcase and zipping from town to town for over night stays.. doing speeches at a national event  and shooting home again for a few days till the next town.. maybe one or 2 a week..

Last week it was here .. In the Tron( Hamilton) .. it was too easy to let this pass so we meet, I picked him up from his Hotel after his speech was over .. and he took me to dinner .  I was so nervous .. but face to face* .. (giggle,,, giggle… I’ll explain soon) it was just awesome .. we chatted freely and not at all awkwardly.. for about 6 weeks we have been chatting electronically so this was wicked ..

He never married .. he is living with his girlfriend and their 3 year old son, they built a house and moved in together last new years.

He thought of me often .. as did I him.. but there is nothing there now but history and a very nice friendship. .

TOH stayed all week last week .. he knew I had been talking to CH online and I talked of him often.. TOH stayed home with Maxi and S while I went on a date with an ex .. lol gotta love this man.   I came home close to midnight .. totally exhausted but on a high…  TOH was in bed but woke when I came in and we stayed up and chatted about my night .. 

*CH was shorter than me back in 1985  and not much has changed .. except I think I got taller .. when we went to hug and kiss goodnight…… he had to tip toe and I had to stoop.. much giggling about meeting face to face ..I felt like an amazon woman. 




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September 27, 2009
September 27, 2009


Awe! How sweet and toh was so sweet as well! Hugs ~panzer on cell phone

September 27, 2009

how nice you can be friends after so many years…next toh and ch will be meeting 🙂

September 28, 2009


September 29, 2009

you sound buzzy, meeting old friends is a lovely thing to do.