Matts Amazing Race ..


If you have the pleasure of living in Hamilton NZ then Saturday 29th .. just gone you may have seen some peculiar activity all over town ,

Groups of people in costumes ranging from Mad wig wearing families … Pirates of Waipuna,   Black wearing Bogans,   Peter pan and his Posse and a groups of Batty Nanas, then you probably saw us participating in Matts Amazing Race… My nephews 30th birthday bash.

 We all gathered at his home (HQ) and were given an instruction pack. .. then told to be back at HQ 2 hours after we left.

The teams all raced out the driveway to the road and off to start the race and we were ambushed by my great nephews and their friends, waiting in the gardens by the gate with hoses and buckets and water bombs. ..

TOH was the instruction reader in the back, I drove , Mum in the front and my sister Barb in the middle.

We had a list of 30 things to do .

Collect a real estate agents card , a yellow flower, a beer bottle top, the receipt from a bar in town where you bought a round of drinks including a white wine and a light beer, , photos of you doing a brown eye on the bridge, photo with a 2009 holden ute, photos with team members at Mc Donalds, photos of you in the fountain in town, photos with this statue and that statue , and photo of a strangers nipple.. just some of the weird and wonderful things we did.. aswell as finding info at parks , cemeteries and shops all over Hamilton.

Mum is going to be 80 next April .. this was her first Car Rally.. we have not laughed so much in  for ever.. she was right into it .. when we pulled up on the footpath to get a photo of a strangers nipple she was the one who wound down the window and asked this young man walking down the street if he could help us out .. and then TOH and Barb fell out of the back of the van and surrounded him the look on his face..

She was not scared about getting into anything .. the rat wheel at the park .. we had to have a photo or video taken of two team members in the rat wheel .. Mum was in there .. but then realised that it moved freely and was quite nervous about falling .. but telling me to get the shot taken .. kids all around the park were amazed that a granny had got in the rat wheel and the younger ones tried to turn it .. eeeeekkk ,, no thank you. a broken hip was not on the list of challenges.

she ran , she yelled instructions and she got out of the car at every stop. .. she was amazing .. and her costume was a riot.

by the end we were knackered, hot and bothered and dying for a drink.. TOH and Barb had been the ones to down shots and beers and go to the bars.. Mum and I went around the block and got parks..

we missed one challenge on the list , it had to be done in a certain time frame and we missed it .. but still made 4th place …

and our team won Most Imaginative and received a certificate and a prize pack.

I won Most Daring.. and received a prize pack and a certificate also..

this is why !!!



 The Team Batty Nanas

Two team members must change clothes completely

My awesome Mum ..

sign writing


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September 1, 2009

what a riot….sounded like so much fun…..and yep…you should win a prize for wearing that outfit 🙂

September 1, 2009

hahahaha what a hoot!

September 1, 2009

This truly made me smile…

September 1, 2009

Wow you guys down there are just crazy! (copies down details for similar event on Waiheke in the summer)

September 2, 2009

LOL…that first photo had me splitting my sides…LOL Good for you…laughter is wonderful and you all sure have fun!!!! BTW…let me know in plenty of time when the next hot-air balloon festival is on down there please as I may try and get down to take photos…. hugs P

September 3, 2009

looks like fun!

September 3, 2009

Lol! That is awesome. Photo of a stranger’s nipple, how creative! Your mum is awesome for being so adventurous. Look at TOH being all un-subtle about groping you – he must have approved of your costume very much!

September 4, 2009

RYN: Thank you for the birthday wishes! You’re the first one on OD to wish me a happy birthday!

September 8, 2009

I have never heard of anything like this BUT it sure sounds fun and sounds like something I would like to try with a group we hope to have over the house one day. What’s a homebased child career? I’ve never heard of that before.

September 11, 2009

What a great time. Go your Mum!

It sounds soooooofun! Wish i was there! Luv panzer