Kids at Home


Thanks you PL.. the director of Kids at Home.

She has bought the company and networks in the Waikato and Coramandel.

Wairarapa and Gisbourne were sold over the weekend.

Sadly the South Island educators were all made unemployed, and I am hoping that another company there is able to take them on.

We know nothing yet other than that.. not if we will recoup those last 2 weeks wages, how anything will work and what we will be called.. I guess Kids at home ..  They have a cool website .. I like the look of them and would probably have choosen to work for them if I was looking .. I believe they are a small firm, so now they are HUGE..

I was very fortunate to have been given a $200 food grant from WINZ.. so with what little money I had and was paid last week I was able to pay the bills and then get groceries ..

I stocked up on the basics .. flour butter cheese eggs bread and milk..  we ate fine

Luckily I had put in that garden .. we are reaping… Zuchini, brocoli and lettuce… soon tomatoes and cabbage and the corn is on its way too.

I also have very awesome friends and family … Dino has leant me money .. parents have paid extra in cash to me .. just the odd here and there but it has helped heaps. (petrol and bus fares etc)

It has also meant I  have not had to use the money I had in my Debit plus card that was for accommodation in Wellington next week when I go to ACDC…

That is all paid for from before Christmas .. Train tickets , concert tickets , and accommodation / food money was all done and paid for.. yeah . I can not wait .. 4 days .. 2 concerts and a train trip.


Thank you to all my friends .. I am truly blessed



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January 19, 2010

thats great news! I am so relieved for you too. And good on WINZ helping out in a time of need. They are good like that but its hard to grovel to them eh? hugs P

January 19, 2010

Great news. I hope you eventually get paid. Fantastic you paid for your trip ahead.

January 19, 2010

So glad the garden came in handy. Thanks mother nature!

January 20, 2010

enjoy the concert!

January 20, 2010

Glad to here all is working out ok.

I love good news! 🙂 panz

February 10, 2010