Kid Free disaster


As you can well imagine with 9 children it is hard to get a child free night.

Tonight just happened to turn out perfect.

Set the scene..

Candles , lights out , dvd in the machine and going ( soft porn)… matteress on the lounge floor, pillows,  massage oils , mud pack ..

naked and smiling …

He walks in and says .. wow what are you watching .. ohhh I thought so , wheres the kids ??

we are all alone .. all night

wicked ..  what a day i have had .. I worked on the car and got it fixed .. crap light in the garage so I worked outside .. it poured with rain and I got soaked .. blah blah engine this blah blah engine that … tools mess oil .. blah blah .. look at my arm .. i’ll just turn on the light … see this scratch and that mark and this blah blah .. let me feed the dogs and I’ll tell you all about it ..

Zip .. ranch slider open .. dogs out … still raving on about the car bullshit ..

I am laying there , starkers … feeling very uncomfortable now .. and say so .. oh sorry and he pulls the curtains closed .. after him .. he is outside ..

I get up and get dressed , grab a bourbon and head for the office ..

He gets all fucked off and yells at me how he has fucked up again ..

Hello .. I was naked on the floor , no kids , and you want to rave on about the car … we could have talked about that later … Sorry I had a plan in my head and it did not involve your bloody car trouble ..

end of the romantic night ..

what was wrong ???






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August 20, 2010

I’m sorry. That would be a dissipointment. It’s happened to me before too.

August 20, 2010

He needs to be taken aside and taught the facts of life…those opportunities are few and far between…. Having said that, I havn’t walked in his shoes so I don’t know if he had any other way of de-briefing his day. De-briefing…hahahaha there’s a pun for you! xxxx

August 20, 2010

what a shame the magic was broken like that. Obviously we all work in different mindsets and timeframes……but I admit to having a wee smile trying to visualize all this…LOL. I reckon he needs to take you away for a wild weekend to make up for that, – farming out all the kids with family and friends. Maybe a rental cottage on Waiheke? They’d never find you here….. hugs and smiles P

August 20, 2010

awwwww WTF!?!? bloody hell TOH!!!!

August 20, 2010


August 21, 2010