KC Takeaways


Every third week I have one of my care kids for dinner .. ( I’m running out and I need to stock up .. ) NO NO NO I mean her mum works late and she stays for dinner.

Last night was the night .. but instead of just one extra , I was asked to have another care child .. ( her mum was having a medical treatment and would be home late, and I suggected that I drop her off after the other was collected) plus and ex care child and his sister whose mother is my good friend  was also booked in to stay ..

I was unsure what i would do for all these kids , something that would be loved by all .. meat and vege was out for sure .. lol

I decided that we’d do chicken nuggets and chips , sausages and have ice cream and jelly for dessert. I also had a roll of sausage meat out of the freezer left from another night and decided to make 4 scotch eggs.

Then out of my dim memory came an idea something i have not done in ages .. something my mother used to do and I have the fondest memories of .. and something that I carried on for my children.

A takeaway shop in the kitchen.

I told the kids about it and said we need to make money .. here is the paper and pens and scissors etc, make money and then this afternoon I’ll make the kitchen a shop, and you can buy your dinner.. and it will be exciting for BT and ST cos they are coming too. 

The dining room table was a mess with paper and pens and everyone was busy .. lol yay .. then we made a sign to hang in the shop .. and everyone helped and made their own sign..

I asked about how much the food should cost .. I was amazed that 4 chicken nuggets was $60 .. thats outrageous .. so i said lets make them $2.. and we then negotiated better on prices.

I took them to Kindergarten and stopped off at the super market.  

I started prep .. cooked the sausages and the scotch eggs.. got all the equipment ready .. baking paper and news paper for wrapping , then collected them from kindy..

By this time the big kids were home from school and to my surprise just as excited to sit and make money and help the littlies.

The 2 babies went home, and we cleaned up all the toys and Maxi vacuumed.

I set the ironing board up in the kitchen entrance, with a couple of table cloths covering it , set the sauce and mustard, salt and pepper on the end , had a pen and paper for orders , had all the food in the oven cooking and then turned the lights out. Sat down and read the paper. Everyone played and watched Tv .. mucked about and waited..

The girls were so excited .. they could hardly wait.

I sneaked into the kitchen (through the side door) flicked on the lights and said shops open ..

I call my girls salt and pepper twins as one is blonde and fair and the other dark haired and skinned… and they had the exact same hair cuts cos they love each other .. its freaky. I get asked if they are twins ALL the time .. yeah .. I say but they have different fathers .. !!!! come on people.

Anyway .. Pepper was first at the counter , her money in hand and she ordered a meal deal with a sausage ( 4 chicken nuggets, chips and a drink)  she looked at the sign and then through her money untill she found all the matching numbers .. I wrote her order down and then stuck it with Blutac to the range hood.  Then BT .. he didn’t want to spend all his money so he just ordered a drink and 4 nuggets .. too funny .. Salt came up and ordered a HUGE dinner .. and counted out her money too ..

I love it when I see my kids , 17 and 15 playing along .. they also came up and ordered as did BT’s sister ST also 15 years old.   She commented on how her mother never played games like this .. and i was almost about to apologise when she said , you are way cooler than my Mum.

TOH even placed and order .. something my Dad never did . This game was always played when he was away.

BT came back and made a second order and made sure he had enough money left for dessert.

We had so much fun.

I wrapped the food in baking paper and then in news paper just like the Fish and Chip shops here do .. and then called them up and called out their order. They came to the counter one and a time to collect their meals then ran away into the lounge and sat on the floor to eat ..

I made up my meal and joined them and switched off the lights in the "shop"

TOH went in and cleaned up and did dishes and then I opened the shop again for dessert..

I made coke spiders ( rootbeer floats) for the older kids and Salt and Pepper had jelly .. the last time they had icecream here late they were monsters .. i told them I had run out sorry and would buy more so they can have them during the day today .. and as the 2 babies( both 2) missed out maybe we can play ice cream shop today when they come.

Mum came for salt and they left , then I took Pepper home and left BT and ST with TOH .. when I came home their mother had arrived , not had dinner and so they jumped up and served her the left overs from the shop .. lol they made her place and order and gave her money.. too cute .. then BT wrote me a lovely letter saying that he loved me and that he liked that i had made them the shop for dinner and yeah like i sadi I love you .. ohhh I have to keep that for a 21st .

I had a ball and hope that this game will carry on in their families now .. and they will always remember and have the fond memories I do.

Maxi took pics for their education journals, but I am unable to show you them here ..

After a quick tidy up, I flopped on the couch .. that was a 13 hour day at work. ,, ouch. anothr night I never made the gym. .

My boys went to bed and TOH and I sat for about 10 mins before I gave in .. bed called and I went gladly.




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August 26, 2010

That’s lovely. My girls used to love doing the same thing. We would make the dining room a cafe and Meb, especially, used to love to set the table with a vase of flowers and take orders.

August 26, 2010

aren’t you just the creative genius?!!!!! What fun that sounds. Wished I lived closer as I may even have dropped by for some too….lol As a child I used to play shops but of course takeaways didn’t really exist back them ( except F&C) and it was never as much fun as your day was. You are am amazing carer and mum……well done! hugs and smiles P

August 26, 2010

so cool

August 26, 2010

oh way cool!!! I bet they will remember that day indeed

August 26, 2010

Can we come for dinner?! hahaha

August 27, 2010

love it!!

August 27, 2010

awwwww that was just the cutest and to think they will remember that forever