Just as planned


Well Allycats surprise went off without a hitch .. and you know what .. even her Dad came and blew me out of the water .. he handed me a couple of $20 notes and said add this to what you have already.. OMG..Thank you

We all gathered at the Yardhouse .. Our Local watering hole and I ordered chicken wings and bowls of curly fries and platters of garlic breads to be spread around our tables.. others ordered their own meals and everyone set in for a great night of laughter and drinks , buying Allycat drinks and catching up.

I gathered everyone around and said I was giving her gift to her .. so …I presented her with a charm for her pandora bracelet.. a silver areoplane… she loved it .. I said this is from me … cos you work at the airport.. awww too cute Mum .. Thank you.

Then I handed her the cardboard folder I had made .. Cut outs from travel mags all over tthe front cover, maps of the North Island .. travel words and road signs.

She looked at me and said .. Is this for OUR trip mum ??   I told her it was from everyone ..

She opened it and on the inside I had written a letter .. Happy Birthday Allycat .. we all put in so you don’t have to worry about travel costs , accommodation costs or spending money .. we want your 25th Birthday to be a memorable one.. go have fun .. love Nana, dino Em, TOH kids , Brothers Aunts Cousins etc all that had contributed ..


Then the next page was her accommodation pamphlet that had her friends photo on it and welcome to cuba mall central location and your host Miss Tarzo B … lote of photos of her friends apartment , photos of local attractions , views from the street and from the balcony of the mall etc..

She was getting excited now and was yelling are WE GOING to WELLINGTON to see Tarzo???

I said keep reading..

she looked at the next few pages .. all cut outs from travel mags of things to do in Wellington… she was getting on the right track and then the next page was her air tickets ..

She cried and cried .. I have never been on a plane .. Are we going on a plane .. Are we Mum are we going to stay in Wellington with Tarzo .. ???

My name is not on the tickets .. you are going by yourself ..

OMG she was just beside herself .. she made me cry , my sister in law, both my sisters and my mum ( her nana) , all blubbering idiots.

Jumping about like a lunitic she was hugging everyone and then I said I did I didn’t have time to add Dads name to the card but he also put in she was just so blown away.. Hugging him so tight that I thought he’d snap.

so after we all calmed down , and it sunk in , she spoke to her friend Tarzo who had come to Hamilton for the weekend for her nanas Birthday and popped in to watch allycat get her pressie .. lol

We partied till 3am


Allycat flew out Wednesday afternoon .. first time on a plane and first time in the Capital all by herself .. Tarzo still had to work so she was sight seeing on her own during work hours ..

Allycat is a film buff so she found all the old movie theatres , film museums , Lord of the rings themed things and Weta workshops museums and soaked herself in them..

She ate out every night … drank cocktails and fancy drinks , bought clothes and rode the busses..

I picked her up from the airport Sunday afternoon and she talked all the way home and for the next 2 hours about what she saw , and how it was ..

So .. i am not offically the BEST  MUM ever.. and everytime I think about how sad she was those few months ago .. I cry thinking about how OVER excited and thrilled she was on August the 12th … her 25th birthday.

Yay …



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August 21, 2011

WHAT a great entry!! I’m so pleased she had a great time! You are so awesome!! 🙂

August 22, 2011

Aww that’s such a great present! What an awesome mum! Mmmm I love the yardhouse! I can barely remember how crappy the old bar used to be

August 22, 2011

Awesome! A perfect gift from a perfect mom!

August 22, 2011

aww thats wicked as, something she will be grateful for and rememebr for the rest of her life