it does my head in

For years I have been on here .. reading all about your lives .. writing about mine .. but not the truth ..

you can’t handle the truth.

Yes I have had a troublesome child.. Sparky did my head in .. but he has come out the other side a and man is he ever a wicked kid .. I always loved him .. even if I didn’t like him very much..

The others are all cool .. a pain sometimes and we argue  and I need to bring them back into line occaionally .. but good upstanding kids. with greta work ethics , manners and kindness towards my care kids.. sometimes my heart melts at the things they do and say .. especially S .. a 15 year old boy .. playing blocks witha 2 yr old and being supprised when the blocks fall.. or Maxi  13 reading "fox in socks" with great expression and laughing when he gets tongue tied..

I left my husband .. and have been lost ever since ..

I have bounced around… without purpose.

My dream was and still is to have a horde of grandkids bouncing on my knee and for Ian and I to look after them and be sitting on the front porch in rockers with a huge yard filled with kids and toys … manicured lawns .. a tyre swing .. and a house bus up the drive ..

Even now when I think of Allycat getting married or having kids I see Ian and I together .. that dream will never be a reality .. and it breaks my heart. I did the right thing for the family and me leaving that relationship I know that .. and I thought for a moment that I could find that again…find happiness and love, someone to fill that place beside me , a life partner that totally completed me.. I had that for a few years .. but have no idea what happened.. and so i sit in limbo. Not wanting to go forward .. but desperatly needing to. .

Ba Humbug…

It will all be better in the morning..

What a bum mood




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November 26, 2008


November 26, 2008

🙁 Life’s tough sometimes. *Hugs* RYN: He didn’t mind at all. It’s more that kp is angry about his CG’s name being mentioned and we just want life back on an even keel first. He’ll still see the kids but very slowly, little bits at a time until they are used to having him around.

November 26, 2008

I like the new you a lot, there’s changes happening as you move on your journey. Well done for all those great kids.