Iron Maiden


Ohhhh 3 sleeps..

I am excited ..

Firstly Let me thank you all for the wonderful notes about the trouble I am having with my son.. He has changed some things and is spending less time on line and on the phone. Plus we had a run in with homework and so bedtime has changed and time is prescious trying to fit in basket ball and Volleyball and homework.. so pc gets a back seat.

And as for Sparky….It has clamed down a little now .. but he is living with us and has a court date set for 3rd March. We need to get some legal help before then and time is running out. But all seems to be good with Him and it’s nice to have him home, even under these circumstances.

Thursday I have a friend coming from Napier .. TON  he is staying the weekend and coming to Iron Maiden with us .. we have a van full .. 8 of us .. I love it .. I am always sober driver.

TON is arriving Thursday mid afternoon .. we will catch up .. go see a few things here .. then Friday (I am not working) he wants to go shopping .. lol I love men who enjoy retail therapy.. Friday night off to the concert .. Saturday Out to Raglan and surfing .. him not me .. and sunday a relax day .. he does not work monday tuesday so may stay .. he will see  how he feels.

Allycat got a job at a New World .. she is a supervisor .. she likes the job .. done it for years while studying .. she will graduate on 17th March .. so excited and proud. First in my family .. first one of my 5 brothers and sisters kids .. she looks at that and thinks WOW .. how cool .. then she says .. so .. party ??? big family lunch ?  Hey .. what .. ohh I guess so .. but she wants to invite all my sisters and families and I think thats a bit over board .. hey … shhh on the down low huh !!

TOH and I have run our course I think ..

He is off to OZ chasing the mighty dollar and organised everyone in his life except me .. so I thought ok .. if I mean Zip to you .. after all this time .. SeeYa!!!

We are still friends .. and still go to concerts .. lol well will Friday .. but after March .. he will be working all over the place .. NZ and OZ then Indonesia.. and I will get to see him maybe 1 day a month ..

hmmmm .. what else ..

Hypno therapy is working a treat.. 6 kgs down.. I can not bare the thought of chippies in my mouth .. ME.. hating chippies ..,!!! wtf.

I like it .. I see stuff and this voice says .. ewwww … you don’t want that .. thats greasy .. sweet .. not healthy .. whatever .. it is good cos I listen to that voice .. it is in my head .. but with other "diets" and you have someone saying .. no no no .. I want want want ..

Money is tight .. am looking forward to having paid for all the boys school stuff .. another week or so and that should be done .. but then S has sports fees ..

and the end of this month is a bummer for birthdays .. 20th 22nd and 25th  all family .. might be a home made gift this year .. 🙂 .. they love them too.

Ohhh and I found a cool site .. Kaliedocycle at .. ohh what a cool little nic nak that is

Well rambling .. disjointed and tired .. must be bedtime.

Night night xoxox


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February 17, 2009

sorry did i miss an entry??? why is your son going to court? lol yes I know I need to update….. good news I’m dating a lil minx hehehe

February 17, 2009

Maideeeeen! How awesome! Do enjoy it. Man, if hypnotism can make you hate chips, I think I need some. Sure, I have the willpower not to eat them, but I want want want them so much lol.