I love you guys…


what a supportive lot of friends I have here..

Thank you so much ..

today I feel so much better.

I texted the boys and said  " Last night sucked , I felt used and unappreciated , and I lost my rag."

Sparky worte back that he was sorry and he hoped it was not him alone that made me mad , that he didn’t even know why they had to leave.

anyway .. I am still a little teary today… so will get onto the good news I have had ..

I made a few calls today regarding the Child safety campaign I was talking about and I was so shocked that No one has done much about this and the 3 foundations / organisations I spoke to were so behind me and even spoke of funding me after I run my pilot here in Hamilton .. hahaha I never even thought of calling it a pilot ..

So , next week when the poster guy comes back I will ask him to mock me up the samples .. (he said he;d sponsor me) I’ll print off a few pamphlets and a sheet of stickers and do the presentation to my boss .. hopefully she will fund the  first lot ..

Then this evening I was talking to a friend who works in a law centre and she said I would be able to apply for grants and funding and that if I registered as a charitable trust I could make the kits and have the whole thing funded and give them away… I am so excited .. it may just come true.

When I called Mum she said well if you need to get started and the money has not come in yet call me .. I’;ll lend you the money to get started.

How cool is that .. never have I had this much support .. well I guess you have these ideas and never act on them ..

I might become a household name .. and you can all say .. I knew her when she was hormonal and grumpy .. lol

have a great night all .. and thanks again for the wicked support







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November 10, 2009

What a great idea, go well with the project. xox

November 11, 2009


November 11, 2009

your welcome

November 11, 2009

the child safety campaign sounds wonderful….well done for being so committed to this project. Glad you are feeling a tad brighter too but hormones really have a lot to answer for, don’t they? (good and bad ones…lol) hugs P

November 11, 2009

Sounds excellent! Good cause too.

November 11, 2009

ryn re corn …apparently djd says that they should be no more than closer than a foot…..well thats what he said the experts say 🙂 Hope we get to see your posters and stickers….how very fulfilling to have an idea and act on it 🙂

November 12, 2009

Good news. Keep smiling (through the tears!).